
AN Aṅguttara Nikāya
Dhp Dhammapada
DN Dīgha Nikāya
MN Majjhima Nikāya
Mv Mahāvagga
SN Saṁyutta Nikāya
Sn Sutta Nipāta
Thag Theragāthā
Thig Therīgāthā
Ud Udāna

References to DN and MN are to discourse (sutta). Those to Dhp are to verse. References to other texts are to section (saṁyutta, nipāta, or vagga) and discourse in the suttas; and section and sub-sections in the Vinaya text, Mv. Numbering for AN and SN follows the Thai Edition of the Pāli Canon. All translations from these texts are by the author and are based on the Royal Thai Edition of the Pāli Canon (Bangkok: Mahāmakut Rājavidyālaya, 1982).