Evening Talks Collected by Theme
A graduated series of 50 Dhamma talks for meditators, starting with breath meditation and leading through issues of discernment.
- 1 Strength from the Basics
- 2 Basics
- 3 Stay with the Breath
- 4 Breath by Breath
- 5 Analyzing the Breath
- 6 Levels of the Breath
- 7 Breathing Through Daily Life
- 8 At Ease with the Breath
- 9 Immersed in the Body
- 10 Pleasure & Pain
- 11 Breath Meditation
- 12 Taking a Stance
- 13 The Joy of Effort
- 14 Experimental Intelligence
- 15 The Path of Mistakes
- 16 A Post by the Ocean
- 17 The Active Truth
- 18 The Middleness of the Path
- 19 The Grass at the Gate
- 20 A Magic Set of Tools
- 21 Perception
- 22 Little Things
- 23 Stepping Back
- 24 Generosity First
- 25 Self Esteem
- 26 Goodwill All Around
- 27 A Sense of Adventure
- 28 Gladdening the Mind
- 29 Strategies for Happiness
- 30 Mindstorms
- 31 Resistance
- 32 Suppressed Emotions
- 33 Your Inner Mob
- 34 Social Anxiety
- 35 A Decent Education
- 36 Battling Darkness
- 37 Fear of Death
- 38 Marshalling the Emotions
- 39 Heedfulness
- 40 A Refuge from Modern Values
- 41 Antidotes for Clinging
- 42 The Walls of Ignorance
- 43 Warrior Knowledge
- 44 Universal Truths
- 45 The Skill of Restraint
- 46 Fabricating the Present
- 47 The Treasure Hunt
- 48 The Saints Don’t Grieve
- 49 Wise Effort
- 50 Walking Meditation - Stillness in Motion
Four Guardian Meditations
Four meditations to protect you from your defilements.
The Five Strengths
A series of 5 Dhamma talks following one of the sets of the Buddha’s fundamental teachings from the 37 Wings to Awakening.
- 1 Strengthening Conviction
- 2 Generating Energy
- 3 Strengthening Mindfulness
- 4 Strengthening Concentration
- 5 Strengthening Discernment
The Seven Factors for Awakening
A series of 7 Dhamma talks following one of the sets of the Buddha’s fundamental teachings from the 37 Wings to Awakening.
- 1 Mindfulness
- 2 Analysis of Qualities (sony)
- 3 Persistence (sony)
- 4 Rapture
- 5 Serenity
- 6 Concentration
- 7 Equanimity
A Refuge from Death
A collection of 20 Dhamma talks, chants, sutta readings and guided meditations for listening as one approaches death.
- 1 Chant: The Four Dhamma Summaries
- 2 Dhamma Talk: Expand Your Mind
- 3 Chant: The Five Recollections
- 4 Sutta Reading: The Five Recollections (Anguttara Nikaya 5.57)
- 5 Meditation: Guided Breath Meditation
- 6 Dhamma Talk: Facing Pain
- 7 Sutta Reading: The Arrow (Samyutta Nikaya 36.6)
- 8 Dhamma Talk: Endurance Made Easier
- 9 Sutta Reading: Afflicted in Body (Samyutta Nikaya 22.1)
- 10 Meditation: Guided Metta Meditation
- 11 Chant: The Sublime Attitudes
- 12 Chant: The Metta Sutta
- 13 Meditation: Guided Breath Meditation
- 14 Dhamma Talk: Preparing to Die Well
- 15 Sutta Reading: The Sick Ward (Samyutta Nikaya 36.7)
- 16 Reading: Ajaan Lee
- 17 Chant: Verses on the Noble Truths
- 18 Dhamma Talk: Don't Worry, Be Focused
- 19 Sutta Reading: Anathapindaka (Majjhima Nikaya 143)
- 20 Meditation: Guided Breath Meditation & How to Exit Meditation
The Noble Eightfold Path
The Noble Eightfold Path forms the framework for all the Buddha’s teachings. It was the first topic he mentioned in his first sermon, and the last topic he mentioned in his last. The edited transcripts of these talks are available in eBook form as The Noble Eightfold Path: 13 Meditations Talks on the eBooks page.
- 1 An Overview of the Path
- 2 Right View
- 3 Right Resolve
- 4 Right Speech
- 5 Right Action
- 6 Right Livelihood
- 7 Right Effort
- 8 Right Mindfulness - The First Frame of Reference
- 9 Right Mindfulness - The Second Frame of Reference
- 10 Right Mindfulness - The Third Frame of Reference
- 11 Right Mindfulness - The Fourth Frame of Reference
- 12 Right Concentration
- 13 Right Concentration - The Uses of Right Concentration
With Each & Every Breath
Thanissaro Bhikkhu’s meditation guide With Each & Every Breath lists recommended Dhamma talks at the end of each chapter. Those talks are presented here in that same order.
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Written transcripts are accessible via the icon to the right of the talk link. Also, all of the transcripts are collected into a companion volume, Gather ’Round the Breath, which can be read online or downloaded in ebook formats.
- Introduction
- 070606 The Noble Search for Happiness
- 111017 Why We Train the Mind
- 111222 Countercultural Values
- 120404 The Intelligent Heart
- 120620 Homeschooling Your Inner Children
- 050307 The Open Committee
- 110206 Organizing Your Inner Committee
- 060113 Unskillful Voices
- 050521 The Karma of Self & Not-self
- 050412 The Need for Stillness
- 050327 Everybody Suffers
- 040109 Why the Breath
- 100813 Why Mindfulness
- 090723 Concentration Nurtured with Virtue
- 0105 Concentration & Insight
- Part One
- 120204 In Shape to Meditate
- 040724 Maintaining Goodwill
- 050902 Metta Meditation
- 111221 Goodwill and Heedfulness
- 110810 Gather ’Round the Breath
- 061103 Allowing the Breath to Spread
- 100207 Brahmaviharas at the Breath
- 111205 Turn Off the Automatic Pilot
- 120721 Choiceful Awareness
- 110816 Artillery All Around
- 111206 Views, Virtue, & Mindfulness
- 050422 Ekaggata
- 110410 Training Your Minds
- 110927 Equanimity
- 120121 A Mirror for the Mind
- 070508 Centered in the Body
- 100328 Mindful Judgment
- Part Two
- 120523 Pain is Not the Enemy
- 120731 Pleasure & Pain
- 100605 Insight into Pain
- 121122 Take the One Seat
- 120101 Strengthening Conviction
- 100323 Perceptions of the Breath
- 091109 The Power of Perception
- 080203 Judging Your Meditation
- 080206 Good & Bad Meditation
- 120112 Evaluating Your Practice
- 101128 Measuring Progress
- 101119 Delusion Concentration
- 0301 No Mistakes are Fatal
- 091003 Ups & Downs
- 090726 Patience & Urgency
- 120810 Fabricating with Awareness
- 120817 The Arrow in the Heart
- 041124 Unskillful Thinking
- 110414 Unlearning Unskillful Behavior
- 100421 The Arrows of Emotion
- 120722 A Refuge from Illness, Aging, & Death
- 110130 Sober Up
- 111020 In the Mood
- 110815 Today is Better than Yesterday
- 101207 Get Out of the Way
- 101213 Antidotes
- 121111 Sorting Yourselves Out
- 050309 Purity of Heart
- 120725 Feeding on the Breath
- 120727 Practicing from Gratitude
- Part Three
- 110620 For the Survival of Your Goodness
- 111022 After-work Meditation
- 090814 A Culture of Self-reliance
- 061013 A Wilderness Mind at Home
- 100825 Skills to Take Home
- 0108 New Feeding Habits
- 071220 The Skill of Restraint
- 110812 Right Speech, Inside & Out
- 120416 A Meditator is a Good Friend to Have
- 101210 The Ivory Intersection
- 090123 Caring Without Clinging
- 110512 Protecting Your Space
- 080528 An Anthropologist from Mars
- 050316 Renunciation
- Part Four
- 090130 The Four Jhanas
- 110821 The Poison Blowfish
- 110904 Proactive with Pain
- 110310 The Swinging Balance
- 110211 Heedful of Death
- 110127 Balance & Release
- 101006 Broad, Tall, & Deep
- 101007 Levels of Truth
- 111111 Feeding on Feeding
- 061023 Feeding Frenzy
- 080731 Good Eating
- 111010 Cutting New Paths in the Mind
- 091110 Skills of the Dhamma Wheel
- 101009 Chewed Up by Your Food
- 110720 Isolating the Aggregates
- 071208 Transparent Becoming
- 111225 Sensitive to the Breath
- 111227 Don’t Worry, Be Focused
- 111229 Full Attention
- 120102 Generating Energy
- 120111 Strengthening Discernment
- 120126 Sensuality
- 120622 Equanimity Isn’t Everything
- 120728 The Essence of the Dhamma
- 120806 Freedom through Painful Practice
- 0211 The Steps of Breath Meditation
- 070716 Lessons in Happiness
- 080211 On the Path of the Breath
- 101002 The Breath All the Way
- 110829 Exploring Fabrication
- 120203 Breath, Tranquility, & Insight
- Part Five
- 090730 Admirable Friendship
- 110514 To Purify the Heart
- 110405 Remembering Ajaan Suwat
- 110125 Multi-dimensional Dhamma
- 070721 Factors for Stream Entry
- 081021 The Brightness of the World
- 070320 A Refuge from Modern Values
The collection of talks entitled Basics (on this page) contains many talks dealing with issues that arise as you start learning how to focus on the breath.
The Buddha’s sixteen-steps of breath meditation
Other Themed Collections.
Talks from the archive addressing specific topics, such as breath meditation, breaking old habits, pain, and the Sublime Attitudes.