Search results for: mettā

  1. Book search result icon Buddha-jaya-maṅgala Gāthā | A Chanting Guide
     … Nāḷāgiriṁ gaja-varaṁ atimattabhūtaṁ Dāvaggi-cakkam-asanīva sudāruṇantaṁ Mett’ambuseka-vidhinā jitavā munindo Tan-tejasā bhavatu te jaya-maṅgal’aggaṁ. Nāḷāgiri, the excellent elephant, when maddened, was very horrific, like a forest fire, a flaming discus, a lightning bolt. The Lord of Sages defeated him by sprinkling the water of goodwill: By the majesty of this, may you have the highest victory blessing. Ukkhitta … 
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