The Homage Octet

Namo Arahato Sammā-

Sambuddhassa mahesino.

Homage to the Great Seer, the Worthy One, Rightly Self-awakened.

Namo Uttama-dhammassa

Svākkhātasseva tenidha.

Homage to the highest Dhamma, well-taught by him here.

Namo Ma-saṅghaspi


And homage to the Great Saṅgha, pure in virtue & view.

Namo omātyāraddhassa

Ratanattayassa dhukaṁ.

Homage to the Triple Gem beginning auspiciously with AUM.

Namo omakātītassa

Tassa vatthuttayassapi.

And homage to those three objects that have left base things behind.


Vigacchantu upaddavā.

By the potency of this homage, may misfortunes disappear.


Suvatthi hotu sabbadā.

By the potency of this homage, may there always be well-being.

Namo-kārassa tejena

Vidhimhi homi, tejavā.

By the majesty of this homage, may I be successful in this ceremony.