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Table of Contents
A Heart Released
§ 1. Practice is what keeps the true Dhamma pure.
§ 2. To follow the Buddha, we must train ourselves well before training others.
§ 3. The root inheritance, the starting capital for self-training.
§ 4. The root foundation for the practice.
§ 5. The root cause of everything in the universe.
§ 6. The root instigator of the cycle of death and rebirth.
§ 7. The supreme position: the foundation for the paths, fruitions, and nibbāna.
§ 8. The stronghold that forms the practice area for training oneself.
§ 9. The strategies of clear insight, techniques for uprooting defilement.
§ 10. The primal mind is radiant and clear by nature, but is darkened because of corruptions.
§ 11. One’s self-training as a meditator has to be in keeping with one’s temperament.
§ 12. The Mūlatika Discourse.
§ 13. Only a visuddhi deva is an individual truly at peace.
§ 14. Activityless-ness is the end point of the world, beyond supposing and formulation.
§ 15. The nine abodes of living beings.
§ 16. The significance of the first sermon, the middle sermon, and the final sermon.
§ 17. Arahants of every sort attain both release through concentration and release through discernment, having developed the threefold training to completion.
The Ever-present Truth
The Ballad of Liberation from the Khandhas