
A factor analysis for the Pāṭimokkha rules whose explanations were not framed in that format:

Sg 12:

1) Effort: a) One makes oneself unadmonishable

b) even when rebuked three times in a properly performed Community transaction.

Sg 13:

1) Effort: a) One criticizes a valid act of banishment imposed on oneself or one criticizes those who imposed it

b) even when rebuked three times in a properly performed Community transaction.

Pc 19:

1) Object: a large dwelling, having a sponsor and intended for oneself.

2) Effort: One has more than three layers of roofing material applied
(directing the work, or doing it oneself).  

Pc 31:

1) Object: any one of the five staple foods.

2) Effort: One eats such food at a public alms center when one is not ill, or when any of the other conditions listed in the non-offense clauses do not apply.

Pc 32:

1) Object: a group meal—consisting of any of the five types of staple foods to which four or more bhikkhus are invited.

2) Effort: One eats the meal except on the proper occasions.

Pc 57:

1) Effort: When living in the middle Ganges Valley, one bathes at intervals of less than half a month except at the proper occasions.

Pc 68:

1) Effort: a) One insists that an obstruction is not an obstruction

b) even when rebuked three times in a properly performed Community transaction.