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I mahākhandhako
The Great Khandhaka
- 1 bodhikathā: The Discussion of the Bodhi (Tree)
- 2 ajapālakathā: The Discussion of the Goatherd’s (Banyan Tree)
- 3 mucalindakathā: The Discussion of Mucalinda
- 4 rājāyatanakathā: The Discussion of the Rājāyatana [King’s Realm] (Tree)
- 5 brahmayācanakathā: The Discussion of the Brahmā’s Request
- 6 pañcavaggiyakathā: The Discussion of the Group-of-five
- 7 pabbajjākathā: The Discussion of Going-forth
- catuggihisahāyakappabbajjā: The Four Householder Friends’ Going-forth
- paññāsagihisahāyakapabbajjā: The Fifty Householder Friends’ Going-forth
- 8 mārakathā: The Discussion of Māra
- 9 tīhi saraṇagamanehi upasampadākathā: The Discussion of Acceptance by Three Goings-for-refuge
- 10 dutiyamārakathā: The Second Discussion of Māra
- 11 bhaddavaggiyavatthu: The Discussion of the Auspicious Group
- 12 uruvelapāṭihāriyakathā: The Discussion of the Marvels at Uruvelā
- 13 bimbisārasamāgamakathā: The Discussion of the Meeting with (King) Bimbisāra
- 14 sāriputtamoggallānapabbajjākathā: The Discussion of Sāriputta and Moggallāna’s Going-forth
- abhiññātānaṃ pabbajjā: The Going-forth of Well-known Sons
- 15 upajjhāyavattakathā: The Discussion of Duties Toward a Preceptor
- 16 saddhivihārikavattakathā: The Discussion of Duties Toward a Student
- 17 paṇāmitakathā: The Discussion of Dismissed (Students)
- 18 ācariyavattakathā: The Discussion of Duties Toward a Teacher
- 19 antevāsikavattakathā: The Discussion of Duties Toward a Pupil
- 20 paṇāmanā khamāpanā: The Discussion of Dismissal and Asking Forgiveness
- 21 bālābyattavatthu: The Discussion of Inexperienced, Incompetent (Monks)
- 22 nissayapaṭippassaddhikathā: The Discussion of Lapses in Dependence
- 23 upasampādetabbapañcakaṃ: Sets of Five on Who Should Give Acceptance
- 24 upasampādetabbachakkaṃ: Sets of Six on Who Should Give Acceptance
- 25 aññatitthiyapubbakathā: The Discussion of Those Previously a Member of Another Religion
- 26 pañcābādhavatthu: Discussion of the Five Diseases
- 27 rājabhaṭavatthu: The Case of One Who is in the King’s Service
- 28 aṅgulimālacoravatthu: The Story of Aṅgulimāla the Criminal
- 29 kārabhedakacoravatthu: The Case of the Criminal who had Broken out of Prison
- 30 likhitakacoravatthu: The Case of the Criminal for Whom a Warrant had been Sent Out
- 31 kasāhatavatthu: The Case of the Man Who had been Whipped
- 32 lakkhaṇāhatavatthu: The Case of the Man Who had been Branded
- 33 iṇāyikavatthu: The Case of the Debtor
- 34 dāsavatthu: The Case of the Slave
- 35 kammārabhaṇḍuvatthu: The Case of the Shaven-headed Blacksmith
- 36 upālidārakavatthu: The Story of the Boy Upāli
- 37 ahivātakarogavatthu: The Case of Plague
- 38 kaṇṭakavatthu: The Case of Kaṇṭaka
- 39 āhundarikavatthu: The Case of Crowding
- 40 nissayamuccanakakathā: The Case of Release from Dependence
- 41 rāhulavatthu: The Case of Rāhula
- 42 sikkhāpadakathā: Discussion of Training Rules
- 43 daṇḍakammavatthu: The Case of Punishment
- 44 anāpucchāvaraṇavatthu: The Case of the Prohibition Made Without Having Taken Leave
- 45 apalāḷanavatthu: The Case of Luring Away
- 46 kaṇṭakasāmaṇeravatthu: The Case of Kaṇṭaka the Novice
- 47 paṇḍakavatthu: The Case of the Paṇḍakas
- 48 theyyasaṃvāsakavatthu: The Case of Affiliation Through Theft
- 49 tiracchānagatavatthu: The Case of the Animal
- 50 mātughātakavatthu: The Case of the Matricide
- 51 pitughātakavatthu: The Case of the Patricide
- 52 arahantaghātakavatthu: The Case of the Murderers of Arahants
- 53 bhikkhunīdūsakavatthu: The Case of the Molesters of Bhikkhunīs
- 54 ubhatobyañjanakavatthu: The Case of the Hermaphrodite
- 55 anupajjhāyakādivatthūni: The Cases of Those without Preceptors, etc.
- 56 apattakādivatthu: The Cases of Those Without Bowls, etc.
- 57 napabbājetabbadvattiṃsavāro: The List of Thirty-two Who Should not be Given the Going-forth
- 58 alajjīnissayavatthūni: The Cases of Dependence on/by the Shameless
- 59 gamikādinissayavatthūni: The Cases Concerning Dependence for Those on a Journey, etc.
- 60 gottena anussāvanānujānanā: The Allowance for Proclamation by Clan Name
- 61 dveupasampadāpekkhādivatthu: The Cases of Two Candidates, etc.
- 62 gabbhavīsūpasampadānujānanā: The Allowance for Giving Acceptance to One Twenty Years After Becoming a Fetus
- 63 upasampadāvidhi: Procedure for Giving Acceptance
- 64 cattāro nissayā: The Four Supports
- 65 cattāri akaraṇīyāni: The Four Things Never to be Done
- 66 āpattiyā adassane ukkhittakavatthūni: The Cases of Those Suspended for not Seeing an Offense
- Tassuddānaṁ: Summary