Viveka Sutta  (SN 9:1)

I have heard that on one occasion a certain monk was staying among the Kosalans in a forest grove. Now at that time, as he had gone to spend the day (in the grove), he was thinking unskillful thoughts, connected with the household life.

Then the devatā inhabiting the forest grove, feeling sympathy for the monk, desiring his benefit, desiring to bring him to his senses, approached him and addressed him with this verse:

“Desiring seclusion

you’ve entered the forest,

and yet your mind

goes running outside.

You, a person:

subdue your desire for people.

Then you’ll be happy, free

from passion.

Dispel discontent,

be mindful.

Let me remind you

of that which is good—

for the dust

of the regions below

is hard to transcend.

Don’t let the dust

of the sensual




As a bird

spattered with dirt

sheds the adhering dust with a shake,

so a monk

—energetic & mindful—

sheds the adhering dust.”

The monk, chastened by the devatā, came to his senses.