Upādāna Sutta  (SN 35:110)

Near Sāvatthī. There the Blessed One said, “Monks, I will teach you clingable phenomena & clinging. Listen & pay close attention. I will speak.”

“As you say, lord,” the monks responded to him.

The Blessed One said, “And which, monks, are clingable phenomena? Which is the clinging?

“The eye is a clingable phenomenon. Whatever desire-passion is there, that is the clinging there.

“The ear is a clingable phenomenon. Whatever desire-passion is there, that is the clinging there.

“The nose is a clingable phenomenon. Whatever desire-passion is there, that is the clinging there.

“The tongue is a clingable phenomenon. Whatever desire-passion is there, that is the clinging there.

“The body is a clingable phenomenon. Whatever desire-passion is there, that is the clinging there.

“The intellect is a clingable phenomenon. Whatever desire-passion is there, that is the clinging there.

“These are called clingable phenomena. This is the clinging.”

See also: MN 44; MN 109; SN 22:48; SN 22:121; SN 27:1–10; SN 35:191