Search results for: vinaya

  1. Sutta search result icon AN 8:19 Pahārāda Sutta | Pahārāda
     … This is the eighth amazing & astounding quality of this Dhamma & Vinaya because of which, as they see it again & again, the monks take great joy in this Dhamma & Vinaya. “These, Pahārāda, are the eight amazing & astounding qualities of this Dhamma & Vinaya because of which, as they see them again & again, the monks take great joy in this Dhamma & Vinaya.” Notes 1. The Pali here … 
  2. Book search result icon I. The Department of Internal Governance | Basic Themes
     … There are many kinds of standards and procedures related to the Vinaya that must be studied, practiced, and observed. Taken together, they are called ‘vinaya-kamma.’ Some vinaya-kamma are our own personal responsibility in training ourselves. For example – 1. Kāya-kamma: Act only in ways that are correct in light of the Vinaya and that are called karaṇīya-kicca, things to be done … 
  3. Sutta search result icon Ud 5:5 Uposatha Sutta | Uposatha
     … This is the eighth amazing & astounding quality of this Dhamma & Vinaya because of which, as they see it again & again, the monks take great joy in this Dhamma & Vinaya. “These are the eight amazing & astounding qualities of this Dhamma & Vinaya because of which, as they see them again & again, the monks take great joy in this Dhamma & Vinaya.” Then, on realizing the significance of … 
  4. Book search result icon Select Bibliography | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
     … A Study of its Origins and Development in Relation to the Sutta and Vinaya Pitakas. Colombo: M. D. Gunasena, 1982. Frauwallner, E. The Earliest Vinaya and the Beginnings of Buddhist Literature. Rome: Instituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1956. Gombrich, Richard. “Making Mountains without Molehills: The Case of the Missing Stūpa,” Journal of the Pāli Text Society 15 (1990), 141-143. Grero … 
  5. Sutta search result icon AN 5:79  Anāgata-bhayāni Sutta | Future Dangers (3)
     … Thus from corrupt Dhamma comes corrupt Vinaya; from corrupt Vinaya, corrupt Dhamma. “This, monks, is the first future danger, unarisen at present, that will arise in the future. Be alert to it and, being alert, work to get rid of it. “And further, there will be in the course of the future monks undeveloped in body, undeveloped in virtue, undeveloped in mind, undeveloped in … 
  6. Sutta search result icon AN 8:51  Gotamī Sutta | To Gotamī
     … As she was standing there she said to him: “It would be good, lord, if women might obtain the Going-forth from the home life into homelessness in the Dhamma & Vinaya made known by the Tathāgata.” “Enough, Gotamī. Don’t advocate women’s Going-forth from the home life into homelessness in the Dhamma & Vinaya made known by the Tathāgata.” A second time.… A … 
  7. Sutta search result icon 108 Itivuttaka
     … They have turned away from this Dhamma-&-Vinaya. They attain, in terms of this Dhamma-&-Vinaya, no growth, increase, or abundance. “But any monks who are not deceitful, not talkers, who are enlightened, pliant, & well-centered: they are followers of mine. They have not turned away from this Dhamma-&-Vinaya. They attain, in terms of this Dhamma-&-Vinaya, growth, increase, & abundance. Deceitful, stubborn, talkers … 
  8. Page search result icon Additional Vinaya Materials |
    Additional Vinaya Materials All of the materials on this page are written or translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, unless otherwise indicated. Pāṭimokkhas Bhikkhu Pāṭimokka. A translation of the Bhikkhus’ Rules with an introductory essay. Bhikkhuni Pāṭimokka. A translation of the Bhikkhunis’ Rules with an introductory essay. These Rules are also cross-referenced with the Bhikkhus’ Rules to highlight where they diverge. Essays Stored-up Food … 
  9. Book search result icon Schism | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
     … According to Mv.X.5.4, a speaker of non-Dhamma is to be recognized as such if he “explains not-Dhamma as ‘Dhamma’… Dhamma as ‘not-Dhamma’… not-Vinaya as ‘Vinaya’… Vinaya as ‘not-Vinaya’… what was not spoken, not mentioned by the Tathāgata as ‘spoken, mentioned by the Tathāgata’… what was spoken, mentioned by the Tathāgata as ‘not spoken, not mentioned by … 
  10. Book search result icon Introduction | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
     … The issue is whether bhikkhus who are serious about training under the rules of the Vinaya can accept such ordinations as valid, and whether, if not, anyone else has the right to force them to violate the Vinaya. Secondly, the pejorative term “legalistic” discredits the rules of the Vinaya. Those rules are not simply the refuge of the narrow-minded. Instead, they serve a … 
  11. Book search result icon Select Bibliography | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
     … The Entrance to the Vinaya (Vinaya-mukha). 3 vols. Translated from the Thai. Bangkok: Mahāmakut Rājavidyālaya Press, 1969-83. __________. Ordination Procedure and Preliminary Duties of a New Bhikkhu. Translated from the Thai. Bangkok: Mahāmakut Rājavidyālaya Press, 1989. __________. Vinaya-mukha (in Thai). 3 vols. Bangkok: Mahāmakut Rājavidyālaya Press, 1992. Warder, A. K. Indian Buddhism. 2d. ed. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1980. __________. Introduction to Pali. 2d. ed … 
  12. Book search result icon On Ordaining Bhikkhunīs Unilaterally | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
     … 3) The Vinaya provides no basis for the principle of stare decisis, or binding precedent, the core principle of a system of case law. If there were, later Vinaya interpreters would be bound to follow the decisions of earlier Vinaya experts, resulting in the evolution and expansion of the Vinaya, and the establishment of new Vinaya rules. In fact, this principle of following the … 
  13. Book search result icon Dhamma-Vinaya | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
    INTRODUCTION Dhamma-Vinaya Dhamma-Vinaya was the Buddha’s own name for the religion he founded. Dhamma—the truth—is what he discovered and pointed out as advice for all who want to gain release from suffering. Vinaya—discipline—is what he formulated as rules, ideals, and standards of behavior for those of his followers who go forth from home life to take up … 
  14. Book search result icon Postscript | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
     … When the Buddha said to take the Dhamma and Vinaya as our teacher in his stead, he surely didn’t mean that the Dhamma and Vinaya had no inherent meaning. When he spent so much time clarifying the meaning of his words throughout the Canon, he obviously didn’t think that the meaning he wanted to give those words should carry no weight. And … 
  15. Book search result icon Issues Related to Bhikkhunī Ordination | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
     … Also, it has been proposed that when we find a rule or a story in the Pāli Vinaya that we don’t like, we can import an alternate rule or story from another Vinayas and use it to override what the Pāli Vinaya has to say—even though the whole question concerns what a bhikkhu training in the Pāli Vinaya can and cannot do … 
  16. Sutta search result icon SN 11:14 Daḷidda Sutta | Poor
     … The Blessed One said, “Monks, once there was a man living in this very Rājagaha—a poor, pitiful wretch of a person.1 He undertook conviction in the Dhamma & Vinaya proclaimed by the Blessed One, undertook virtue, undertook learning, undertook relinquishment, undertook discernment. He—having undertaken conviction in the Dhamma & Vinaya proclaimed by the Blessed One, having undertaken virtue, having undertaken learning, having undertaken … 
  17. Book search result icon Quote | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
    Quotation “Now, Ānanda, if it occurs to any of you—‘The teaching has lost its arbitrator; we are without a Teacher’—do not view it in that way. Whatever Dhamma and Vinaya I have pointed out and formulated for you, that will be your Teacher when I am gone.” —DN 16
  18. Dhamma in Vinaya
     … When you meditate, what did you do? What were the results? So here again, there’s an important lesson you can learn from the Vinaya. You apply it to the practice of training the mind. So, remember, there’s Dhamma in Vinaya, and the Vinaya helps to elucidate the Dhamma, which is why it’s good to know both.
  19. Sutta search result icon AN 3:22  Gilāna Sutta | Sick People
     … Which three? “There is the case of the person who—regardless of whether he does or doesn’t get to see the Tathāgata, regardless of whether he does or doesn’t get to hear the Dhamma & Vinaya proclaimed by the Tathāgata—will not alight on the lawfulness, the rightness of skillful qualities. There is the case of the person who—regardless of whether he … 
  20. Book search result icon On Multiple Ordination : Second Letter | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
     … Why would bhikkhus who have given their lives to training under the Vinaya feel compelled to authorize the ordination of people who treat the Vinaya with such a cavalier attitude? If the Vinaya is not to be treated with respect, then why would people want to receive training in the Vinaya? Why should they care if the Bhikkhu Saṅgha gives formal approval to women … 
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