Search results for: vinaya

  1. Page 6
  2. Book search result icon Copyright | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
    Copyright third edition, revised: 2013 Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported. To see a copy of this license visit “Commercial” shall mean any sale, whether for commercial or non-profit purposes or entities. questions about this book may be addressed to: Metta Forest Monastery Valley Center, CA … 
  3. Book search result icon Copyright | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
    Copyright third edition, revised: 2013 Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported. To see a copy of this license visit “Commercial” shall mean any sale, whether for commercial or non-profit purposes or entities. questions about this book may be addressed to: Metta Forest Monastery Valley Center, CA … 
  4. Book search result icon Abbreviations | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
    Abbreviations AN Aṅguttara Nikāya As Adhikaraṇa-samatha Ay Aniyata BD Book of Discipline BMC1 The Buddhist Monastic Code, vol. I BMC2 The Buddhist Monastic Code, vol. II C Commentary Cp Cariyāpiṭaka Cv Cullavagga DN Dīgha Nikāya Dhp Dhammapada Iti Itivuttaka K Kaṅkhāvitaraṇī Khp Khuddakapāṭha MN Majjhima Nikāya Mv Mahāvagga NP Nissaggiya Pācittiya Pc Pācittiya Pd Pāṭidesanīya Pr Pārājika Pv Parivāra SN Saṁyutta Nikāya Sn … 
  5. Positive Right Speech
     … When they had the First Council after the Buddha’s passing, there was the choice to discuss the Vinaya first or the suttas first. And the monks decided: Vinaya first, because the Vinaya—the training rules, the discipline for the monks—is the lifeblood of the religion. Everything is tested in behavior. You also see this in the way the noble eightfold path is … 
  6. Page search result icon Mahāvagga VII Index
    [ Mahāvagga Contents ] VII kaṭhinakkhandhako The Kaṭhina Khandhaka 187 kaṭhinānujānanā: The Allowance of the Kaṭhina 188 ādāyasattakaṃ: The Set of Seven on Taking 189 samādāyasattakaṃ: The Set of Seven on Accepting 190 ādāyachakkaṃ: The Set of Six on Taking 191 samādāyachakkaṃ: The Set of Six on Accepting 192 ādāyapannarasakaṃ: The Set of Fifteen on Taking 193 samādāyapannarasakādi: The Set of Fifteen on Accepting, etc. 194 … 
  7. Book search result icon Abbreviations | Noble Warrior : A Life of the Buddha
    Abbreviations Pāli Suttas AN Aṅguttara Nikāya Dhp Dhammapada DN Dīgha Nikāya Iti Itivuttaka MN Majjhima Nikāya SN Saṁyutta Nikāya Sn Sutta Nipāta Thag Theragāthā Thig Therīgāthā Ud Udāna Pāli Vinaya Cv Cullavagga Mv Mahāvagga NP Nissagiya Pācittiya Pc Pācittiya Pr Pārājika Sg Saṅghādisesa References to DN, Iti, and MN are to discourse. Those to Dhp are to verse. Those to NP, Pc, Pr, and … 
  8. Book search result icon On Multiple Ordination : First Letter | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
     … In the words of Mv.IX.3.2, it would be “apart from the Vinaya… apart from the Teacher’s instruction.” As Mv.IX.3.2 further states, any transaction of this sort is “not a transaction and should not be carried out.” 6) It bears noting that there are no examples of transaction statements authorized in the Canon where the sheer form of … 
  9. Book search result icon Abbreviations | On the Path : an Anthology on the Noble Eightfold Path Drawn from the Pāli Canon
     … AN Aṅguttara Nikāya Dhp Dhammapada DN Dīgha Nikāya Iti Itivuttaka Khp Khuddakapāṭha MN Majjhima Nikāya SN Saṁyutta Nikāya Sn Sutta Nipāta Thag Theragāthā Thig Therīgāthā Ud Udāna Pāli Vinaya: Cv Cullavagga Mv Mahāvagga Pc Pācittiya Pr Pārājika Sg Saṅghādisesa References to DN, Iti, and MN are to discourse. Those to Dhp are to verse. Those to Pc, Pr, and Sg are to rule number … 
  10. Book search result icon Introduction | Noble Conversation : A Study Guide
     … the liberation of the mind through non-clinging.” This quotation from chapter 12 of the Parivāra, the appendix to the Vinaya, is obviously not talking about ordinary conversation. It’s talking about the ideal type of conversation among meditators, the very opposite of idle chatter: “Abandoning idle chatter, one abstains from idle chatter. One speaks in season, speaks what is factual, what is in … 
  11. Book search result icon Glossary | Come & See
     … The Buddha’s own term for the religion he taught was, “This Dhamma-Vinaya.” Wat (Thai): Monastery.
  12. The Buddha’s Compassion
     … He was going to set out a Dhamma and a Vinaya. And the Vinaya, especially, was going to be difficult, because it entailed fighting with people’s defilements. Of course, setting out the Dhamma is fighting with defilements, too. People took umbrage at what he had to say. They got upset by what he had to say and they would come and they would … 
  13. The Wisdom of Discipline
     … We all think about the Buddha teaching the Dhamma, but he himself said he taught Dhamma and Vinaya. The word vinaya means discipline, and this is the lesson in discipline. It’s a very basic lesson in discernment. In terms of the rules for the monks, there are some things that the Buddha says you can’t do, no matter how much you may … 
  14. Page search result icon Glossaire | Les Enseignements du Bouddha
     … souffrance, la voie menant à la fin de la souffrance. Saṅgha (conventionnel) : Communauté des moines disciples du Bouddha. Saṅgha (noble) : Communauté des disciples du Bouddha (laïques ou ordonnés) qui ont atteint au minimum le premier stade d'éveil. Sati : Capacité de garder quelque chose à l’esprit. (Les) trois perceptions : Inconstance (anicca), souffrance ou stress (dukkha), pas-soi (anattā). Vinaya : Ensemble des règles monastiques.
  15. Book search result icon Glossary | Noble Warrior : A Life of the Buddha
     … The most serious offense in the Vinaya. Any monk who commits this offense is automatically no longer a monk and cannot reordain in this lifetime. Pāṭimokkha: Basic code of monastic discipline, composed of 227 rules for monks and 311 for nuns. Pavāraṇā: Invitation. A monastic ceremony marking the end of the Rains residence on the full moon in October. During the ceremony, each monk … 
  16. Page search result icon Mahāvagga III Index
    [ Mahāvagga Contents ] III vassūpanāyikakkhandhako The Entering-for-the-Rains Khandhaka 107 vassūpanāyikānujānanā: The Allowance for Entering for the Rains 108 vassāne cārikāpaṭikkhepādi: The Prohibition Against Going on Tour During the Rains, etc. 109 sattāhakaraṇīyānujānanā: The Allowance for Seven-say Business 110 pañcannaṃ appahitepi anujānanā: Allowance (To Go) for Five (Classes of People) Even When Not Sent For 111 sattannaṃ appahitepi anujānanā: Allowance (To Go … 
  17. Sutta search result icon Historical Notes to the Dhammapada
     … This is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is the Teacher’s instruction.’ His statement is neither to be approved nor scorned. Without approval or scorn, take careful note of his words and make them stand against the discourses and tally them against the Vinaya. If, on making them stand against the discourses and tallying them against the Vinaya, you find that they … 
  18. Page search result icon La bienveillance | Les Enseignements du Bouddha
     … L’ensemble complet des règles de discipline est appelé le Vinaya. Au cœur du Vinaya, pour chacun des ordres, se trouve un code composé de règles importantes, appelé Pāṭimokkha, que les membres de chaque Saṅgha doivent écouter toutes les deux semaines. Le Bouddha établit les règles du Vinaya pour servir trois objectifs : • Préserver la foi des personnes laïques, • Promouvoir l’harmonie au sein des … 
  19. Book search result icon Glossary | Good Heart, Good Mind
     … The Buddha’s own term for the religion he taught was, “This Dhamma-Vinaya.” Vipassanā: Clear-seeing insight into the processes of fabrication in the mind, with the purpose of developing dispassion for those processes. Wat (Thai): Monastery.
  20. Book search result icon Contents | Noble Warrior : A Life of the Buddha
     … The Buddha as Victor The Quarrel at Kosambī Devadatta Attempts on the Buddha’s Life Schism Old Age The Last Year Relinquishing the Fabrications of Life The Four Great Standards The Last Day From Body to Relics The First Council to the Present The Group Recitation The Lesser & Minor Training Rules The Brahmā-punishment The Survival of the Dhamma & Vinaya Glossary Further Reading Endnotes
  21. Book search result icon Practicing | Discernment: The Buddha's Strategies for Happiness II
     … The fact that this Dhamma & Vinaya has a gradual training, a gradual performance, a gradual practice, with a penetration to gnosis only after a long stretch: This is the first amazing & astounding quality of this Dhamma & Vinaya because of which, as they see it again & again, the monks take great joy in this Dhamma & Vinaya.” — Ud 5:5 § 50. Then Unnabha the brahman went … 
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