Search results for: vinaya

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  2. Sutta search result icon DN 29  Pāsādika Sutta | The Inspiring Discourse
     … They kept arguing, quarreling, & disputing, stabbing one another with weapons of the mouth: “You don’t understand this Dhamma-Vinaya. I understand this Dhamma-Vinaya. How could you understand this Dhamma-Vinaya? You practice wrongly. I practice rightly. I’m consistent. You’re inconsistent. What should be said first, you said last. What should be said last, you said first. What you cogitated so … 
  3. Book search result icon Titlepage | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
    The Buddhist Monastic Code II The Khandhaka Rules Translated & Explained by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff)
  4. Book search result icon Titlepage | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
    The Buddhist Monastic Code I The Pāṭimokkha Rules Translated & Explained by Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff)
  5. Book search result icon Gotamī Sutta | A Chanting Guide
     … Ekaṁsena Gotami dhāreyyāsi, ‘N’eso dhammo n’eso vinayo n’etaṁ Satthu-sāsananti.’ You may categorically hold, ‘This is not the Dhamma, this is not the Vinaya, this is not the Teacher’s instruction.’ Ye ca kho tvaṁ Gotami dhamme jāneyyāsi, ‘Ime dhammā virāgāya saṁvattanti no sarāgāya. As for the qualities of which you may know, ‘These qualities lead to dispassion, not to passion … 
  6. Sutta search result icon AN 3:70  Mūla Sutta | Roots
     … Thus it is that many evil, unskillful qualities—born of delusion, caused by delusion, originated through delusion, conditioned by delusion—come into play. “And a person like this is called one who speaks at the wrong time, speaks what is unfactual, speaks what is irrelevant, speaks contrary to the Dhamma, speaks contrary to the Vinaya. Why…? Because of having wrongly inflicted suffering on another … 
  7. Book search result icon Abbreviations | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
    Abbreviations AN Aṅguttara Nikāya Bhī Pc Bhikkhunī Pācittiya BMC The Buddhist Monastic Code Cv Cullavagga DN Dīgha Nikāya MN Majjhima Nikāya Mv Mahāvagga Pc Pācittiya Pr Pārājika Pv Parivāra SN Saṁyutta Nikāya Vin Vinaya
  8. Page search result icon Le Triple Joyau | Les Enseignements du Bouddha
     … Après 45 ans, le Bouddha considéra qu’il avait établi son Dhamma et Vinaya – le nom qu’il utilisait lui-même pour son enseignement – sur des bases solides. Chacun des quatre groupes dans son parisā contenait des personnes qui avaient au minimum atteint certains stades d’éveil, et pouvaient donc incarner le Dhamma et Vinaya dans leurs paroles et leurs actions. Il renonça donc … 
  9. Sutta search result icon SN 47:4  Sālā Sutta | At Sālā
     … The Blessed One said, “Monks, the new monks—those who have not long gone forth, who are newcomers in this Dhamma & Vinaya—should be encouraged, exhorted, & established by you in the four establishings of mindfulness. “Which four? ‘Come, friends. Remain focused on the body in & of itself—being ardent, alert, unified, clear-minded, concentrated, & single-minded1 for knowledge of the body as it has … 
  10. Book search result icon Preface | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
     … I ask to dedicate this volume to the memory of Ajaan Suwat Suvaco, in gratitude not only for his encouragement in this endeavor, but also for the many valuable lessons he has kindly taught me in Dhamma and Vinaya, through word and example, over the years. Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu (Geoffrey DeGraff) Metta Forest Monastery Valley Center, CA 92082-1409 U.S.A. March, 2007
  11. Book search result icon Abbreviations | The Buddha Smiles: Humor in the Pali Canon
    Abbreviations Pali Suttas: AN Aṅguttara Nikāya Dhp Dhammapada DN Dīgha Nikāya MN Majjhima Nikāya SN Saṁyutta Nikāya Thig Therīgāthā Ud Udāna Pali Vinaya: Cv Cullavagga Mv Mahāvagga NP Nissaggiya Pācittiya Pc Pācittiya Pr Pārājika Sg Saṅghādisesa Sk Sekhiya All translations are based on the Royal Thai Edition of the Pali Canon (Bangkok: Mahāmakut Rājavidyālaya, 1982).
  12. Book search result icon Introduction | Recognizing the Dhamma: A Study Guide
     … He responded with eight principles for recognizing what qualifies as Dhamma and Vinaya, and what does not. The commentary tells us that after her instruction, Mahāpajāpati Gotamī in no long time became an arahant. The eight principles have been widely cited ever since. One Thai writer has called them the “constitution of Buddhism,” as they form the standards against which the validity of any … 
  13. Sutta search result icon AN 4:96  Rāga-vinaya Sutta | The Subduing of Passion
    The Subduing of Passion Rāga-vinaya Sutta  (AN 4:96) “Monks, these four types of individuals are to be found existing in the world. Which four? The one who practices for his/her own benefit but not for that of others. The one who practices for the benefit of others but not for his/her own. The one who practices neither for his/her … 
  14. Sutta search result icon Thag 3:13  Abhibhūta
     … He who, in this Dhamma & Vinaya, stays heedful, abandoning birth, the wandering-on, will put an end to suffering & stress.
  15. Sutta search result icon SN 22:57  Sattaṭṭhāna Sutta | Seven Bases
     … The Blessed One said: “Monks, a monk who is skilled in seven bases and has three modes of investigation is fulfilled & fully accomplished in this Dhamma & Vinaya—the ultimate person. “And how is a monk skilled in seven bases? There is the case where a monk discerns form, the origination of form, the cessation of form, the path of practice leading to the cessation … 
  16. Book search result icon Glossary | The Sublime Attitudes: A Study Guide on the Brahmavihāras
     … The Buddha’s name for his own teaching was “this Dhamma-&-Vinaya.”
  17. Book search result icon Summary | Basic Themes
     … The individual to be ordained as a monk has to possess the proper characteristics in line with the principles of the Vinaya. 2. Saṅgha-sampatti: The monks who gather to witness the ordination constitute a legitimate quorum in line with the Vinaya. 3. Sīmā-sampatti: The territory in which the ordination is held has had its boundaries properly defined. When an individual ordains in … 
  18. Book search result icon Glossary | Meditations8 : Dhamma Talks
     … The Vinaya tells of a naga (1) who wanted to become a monk, but whose request was denied by the Buddha. In a Thai version of the story, the naga asked, as a boon, that all subsequent human candidates for the monkhood be called “naga” for the duration of their candidacy. Nibbana: Literally, the “unbinding” of the mind from passion, aversion, and delusion, and … 
  19. Sutta search result icon AN 6:16  Nakula Sutta | Nakula’s Parents
     … The Blessed One has criticized being worried at the time of death. “Now it may be that you are thinking, ‘Nakula’s mother will not reach firm ground in this Dhamma & Vinaya, will not attain a firm foothold, will not attain consolation, overcome her doubts, dispel her perplexity, reach fearlessness or gain independence from others with regard to the Teacher’s message [a standard … 
  20. Book search result icon Glossary | Selves & Not-self
     … The Buddha’s own term for the religion he taught was, “This Dhamma-Vinaya.”
  21. Book search result icon Glossary | Non-violence
     … The Buddha’s name for his own teaching was “this Dhamma-&-Vinaya.”
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