Search results for: vinaya

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  2. Page search result icon A Trojan Horse
     … The Foundation History of the Nuns’ Order 2016 VbObO Bhikkhu Anālayo: “The Validity of bhikkhunī Ordination by bhikkhus Only, According to the Pāli Vinaya” 2017 CETV Bhikkhu Brahmāli and Bhikkhu Anālayo: “Canonical Exegesis in the Theravāda Vinaya” 2017 Saṅgīti Bhikkhu Anālayo: “Saṅgīti (CV XI)” in Vinaya Studies (Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, 2017) BO Bhikkhu Anālayo: “Bhikkhunī Ordination” in Vinaya Studies (Taipei: Dharma Drum … 
  3. Book search result icon A Trojan Horse: | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
     … The Foundation History of the Nuns’ Order 2016 VbObO Bhikkhu Anālayo: “The Validity of bhikkhunī Ordination by bhikkhus Only, According to the Pāli Vinaya” 2017 CETV Bhikkhu Brahmāli and Bhikkhu Anālayo: “Canonical Exegesis in the Theravāda Vinaya” 2017 Saṅgīti Bhikkhu Anālayo: “Saṅgīti (CV XI)” in Vinaya Studies (Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, 2017) BO Bhikkhu Anālayo: “Bhikkhunī Ordination” in Vinaya Studies (Taipei: Dharma Drum … 
  4. Book search result icon Establishing the Nuns’ Order | Noble Warrior : A Life of the Buddha
     … As she was standing there, she said to him: “It would be good, lord, if women might obtain the Going-forth from home into homelessness in the Dhamma & Vinaya made known by the Tathāgata.” “Enough, Gotamī. Don’t advocate women’s Going-forth from home into homelessness in the Dhamma & Vinaya made known by the Tathāgata.” A second time… A third time, she said … 
  5. Page search result icon Mahāvagga II Index
     … The Discussion of Asking About Vinaya 80 vinayavissajjanakathā: The Discussion of Explaining the Vinaya 81 codanākathā: The Discussion of Charging (with an Offense) 82 adhammakammapaṭikkosanādi: Protesting a Non-Dhamma Transaction, etc. 83 pātimokkhuddesakājjhesanādi: Requesting the Recitation of the Pāṭimokkha, etc. 84 pakkhagaṇanādiuggahaṇānujānanā: The Allowance for Learning the Calculation of the Fortnight, etc. 85 pubbakaraṇānujānanā: The Allowance for the Preliminary Duties 86 disaṃgamikādivatthu: The Case … 
  6. Book search result icon Postscript | The Question of Bhikkhunī Ordination
     … The parallel with the rules for bhikkhu ordination is a false one, as the bhikkhus have no rule to parallel Bhikkhunī Pācittiya 83. • Secondly, nowhere does the Vinaya say that a kammavācā valid in some cases is always inherently valid in other cases. The principle that we actually see at work in the Vinaya is this: A kammavācā that is valid in some circumstances … 
  7. Page search result icon Mahāvagga Index
    The Mahāvagga The Great Division Translated by Khematto Bhikkhu The Mahāvagga, according to the Royal Thai recension, is the fourth book of the Vinaya Piṭaka of the Pāḷi Canon. The Pāḷi used in this side-by-side translation is taken from that recension, via Digital Pāli Reader, with some variants mentioned. The translation follows the BMC—most of the passages translated there are copied … 
  8. Book search result icon The First Council to the Present | Noble Warrior : A Life of the Buddha
     … We’ve been tyrannized by (his saying,) “This is allowable for you; this isn’t allowable for you.” But now we will do what we want to do, and not what we don’t want to do.’ “Friends, let’s recite the Dhamma & Vinaya together before non-Dhamma shines out and Dhamma is obscured, and non-Vinaya shines out and Vinaya is obscured; before … 
  9. Sutta search result icon AN 7:80  Satthusāsana Sutta | The Teacher’s Instruction
     … You may categorically hold, ‘This is not the Dhamma, this is not the Vinaya, this is not the Teacher’s instruction.’ “As for the qualities of which you may know, ‘These qualities lead to utter disenchantment, to dispassion, to cessation, to stilling, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to unbinding’: You may categorically hold, ‘This is the Dhamma, this is the Vinaya, this is … 
  10. Sutta search result icon AN 6:88  Sussūsa Sutta | Listening Well
     … Which six? “When the Dhamma & Vinaya declared by the Tathāgata is being taught, he does not listen well, does not give ear, does not apply his mind to gnosis, grabs hold of what is worthless, rejects what is worthwhile, and is not endowed with the patience [or: preference] to comply with the teaching. “Endowed with these six qualities, a person is incapable of alighting … 
  11. Book search result icon Glossary | Recognizing the Dhamma: A Study Guide
     … The Buddha’s own name for hs teaching was “This Dhamma-&-Vinaya.”
  12. Book search result icon Introduction to the Khandhakas | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
    INTRODUCTION The Khandhakas The Khandhakas—literally, “Collections”—form the second major portion of the Vinaya Piṭaka, following the Sutta Vibhaṅga and preceding the Parivāra. There are 22 Khandhakas in all, divided into two groups: the Mahāvagga (Mv.), or Great Chapter, composed of ten Khandhakas; and the Cullavagga (Cv.), or Lesser Chapter, composed of twelve. Each Khandhaka is loosely organized around a major topic, with … 
  13. Book search result icon Inheritance | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
     … Funerals Unlike some of the other early Vinayas, the Pali Vinaya contains no rules on how to conduct the funeral of a dead bhikkhu or novice. Writers have speculated as to why this is so, but the speculation tends to say more about the writers than about the Vinaya. The practical upshot is that the Community (or the bhikkhu’s friends, relatives, etc.) may … 
  14. Book search result icon 100. The end of rebirth | Gifts He Left Behind: The Dhamma Legacy of Phra Ajaan Dune Atulo
     … Either they disrobe, or their behavior starts going astray, running afoul of the Dhamma and Vinaya. So what level of Dhamma does one have to reach in order to cut transmigration for sure, so that there’s no more becoming and birth?” Luang Pu said, “Being strictly restrained in line with the Vinaya and observing the ascetic practices is an admirable form of conduct … 
  15. Sutta search result icon MN 33  Mahā Gopālaka Sutta | The Greater Cowherd Discourse
     … A cowherd endowed with these eleven factors is incapable of looking after a herd so that it prospers & grows. “A monk endowed with these eleven factors is incapable of attaining growth, increase, & abundance in this Dhamma-Vinaya. Which eleven? There is the case where a monk is not well-versed in forms, unskilled in characteristics, doesn’t pick out flies’ eggs, doesn’t dress … 
  16. Book search result icon Adhikaraṇa-samatha | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
     … Face-to-face with the Dhamma and Vinaya means that all the proper procedures laid down in the Vinaya are followed (see BMC2, Part II), and that bhikkhus who advocate what is not truly Dhamma or Vinaya are not holding sway over the group. 2 A verdict of mindfulness may be given. This is the verdict of innocence given in response to an accusation … 
  17. Sensitivity Through Generosity
     … He actually taught Dhamma and Vinaya – and we tend to forget that. The Vinaya is not just rules. It also includes protocols, patterns for behaviour. It’s through the Vinaya that you get a sense of how the Buddha would apply some of the more abstract principles to specific situations. A lot of the protocols have to do with learning how to look after … 
  18. Book search result icon 63. Still more on eating | Gifts He Left Behind: The Dhamma Legacy of Phra Ajaan Dune Atulo
     … As for those who still eat meat, if that meat is pure in three ways—in that they haven’t seen or heard or suspected that an animal was killed to provide the food specifically for them—and they obtained it in a pure way, then eating the meat is in no way against the Dhamma and Vinaya. But when you say that your … 
  19. Sutta search result icon SN 56:48  Chiggaḷa Sutta | The Hole
     … It’s likewise a sheer coincidence that a Dhamma & Vinaya expounded by a Tathāgata appears in the world. Now, this human state has been obtained. A Tathāgata, worthy & rightly self-awakened, has arisen in the world. A Dhamma & Vinaya expounded by a Tathāgata appears in the world. “Therefore your duty is the contemplation, ‘This is stress … This is the origination of stress … This is … 
  20. Book search result icon The Eight Principles | Recognizing the Dhamma: A Study Guide
     … You may categorically hold, ‘This is not the Dhamma, this is not the Vinaya, this is not the Teacher’s instruction.’ “As for the qualities of which you may know, ‘These qualities lead: to dispassion, not to passion; to being unfettered, not to being fettered; to shedding, not to accumulating; to modesty, not to self-aggrandizement; to contentment, not to discontent; to seclusion, not … 
  21. Book search result icon Preface | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
    Preface This volume is the first in a two-volume book that attempts to give an organized, detailed account of the Vinaya training rules and the traditions that have grown up around them. The Pāṭimokkha training rules as explained in the Sutta Vibhaṅga are the topic of the first volume; the rules found in the Khandhakas, the topic of the second. The book as … 
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