Search results for: middle way

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  2. Book search result icon Educating Compassion | Purity of Heart
    Educating Compassion If you have any friends or family members who are sick or dying, I know of no one who would tell you to treat them in a hardhearted way. Everyone would agree that you should be as compassionate as you can. The problem is that there’s little agreement on how compassion translates into specific actions. For some people, compassion means extending … 
  3. Sutta search result icon MN 27  Cūḷa Hatthipadopama Sutta | The Shorter Elephant Footprint Simile
     … He comes to the conclusion, ‘That’s the big bull elephant.’ “In the same way, brahman, there is the case where a Tathāgata appears in the world, worthy & rightly self-awakened. He teaches the Dhamma admirable in its beginning, admirable in its middle, admirable in its end. He proclaims the holy life both in its particulars and in its essence, entirely perfect, surpassingly pure … 
  4. Outside of the Box | ePublished Dhamma Talks : Volume I
     … So, either way, the solution to the problem is to settle the mind down. Think in this way if you’re having trouble getting the mind to stay with the breath. Ajaan Maha Boowa once compared meditators to two types of trees. One type of tree is standing alone out in the middle of a field. If you want to cut it down, it … 
  5. Mindreading
     … And then meditate in appropriate way, so that you can bring the mind into balance. For example, if things are too active, try to find something that’s really soothing. You can think thoughts of goodwill, thoughts of compassion, thoughts of equanimity: These are soothing. You can work with the breath in a way that feels good for the body, relaxing the tension in … 
  6. Book search result icon Selves & Not-self | Good Heart, Good Mind
     … At the same time, when you learn how to get more separated from the pleasure and pain, and not be so affected by them, this is how practice in concentration puts you on the middle way. As you may remember, the middle way avoids the pain of self-torture and also the extreme of sensual pleasure. Now, the fact that it’s in the … 
  7. Safety
     … If you want to change the image, you may say the island may be your way-station on the way across the river, but you finally get across the river on high ground and you’re safe. This is where total security lies. It’s doesn’t lie in things outside or people outside, because those things can get washed away. And they are … 
  8. Befriending the Breath
     … Allow the flow to be easy all the way through the in-breath, all the way through the out-, and all the way through the spaces in between, so that you’re floating on a comfortable breath energy. When you can maintain that, the sense of well-being inside begins to grow. Allow it to become continuous, so that it develops momentum. And then … 
  9. Book search result icon A Good Dose of Medicine | Meditations1
     … When the Buddha talks about the Middle Way, it’s not necessarily what our preconceived notions of the Middle Way are. You have to test them. And the effort required is not blind effort. Right effort involves using your eyes: knowing what’s skillful in the mind, what’s unskillful, being determined to let go of anything unskillful that arises in the mind, and … 
  10. Sutta search result icon SN 22:90  Channa Sutta | To Channa
     … he was to be left to his own ways without anyone to teach or correct him. According to Cv XI, news of this punishment so shocked Ven. Channa that he fainted. He then went off into seclusion and practiced diligently to the point of attaining arahantship. As Ven. Ānanda later told him, his attainment nullified the punishment. This sutta tells a different version of … 
  11. A Diffuse Light | Meditations 11
     … So you can stay with these breath sensations all the way through the in-breath, all the way through the out-, and all the way in between. In this way, your focus doesn’t have pauses. Often when we meditate, our attention is present in phrases, like phrases of music. A few notes are connected, and there’s a pause. The next few notes … 
  12. Feelings of Pain
     … For instance, say you focus on the middle of the chest. It feels good breathing in, it feels good breathing out, right there at the middle of the chest. You breathe in a way that feels like it’s massaging the muscles around the heart so that the blood flows all around, nice and evenly. And there’s a sense of fullness there—not … 
  13. Immersed in the Body
     … Be in the middle. When you hold things back, there are big blind spots in the mind. Those blind spots are ignorance, and it’s precisely because of the ignorance that we suffer. So as you begin to settle down and the breath begins to feel good, allow yourself to plunge into the body. Put the breath on. Wear it. Remember that image of … 
  14. Book search result icon Taking the Long View | Food for Thought: Eighteen Talks on the Training of the Heart
     … This way you can be at peace and at ease both within and without. As the Buddha said, ‘Happy is the person content in seclusion.’ When this kind of seclusion arises in the mind, all sorts of worthwhile qualities will come flowing in without stop. The heart will keep growing higher and higher, until it no longer wants anything at all. If you used … 
  15. Book search result icon The Skills of Jhāna | The Skill of Release
     … There’s no way it can not become sharp. So we should keep at the practice in the same way that we sharpen a knife. If any part of the body or mind isn’t in good shape, we keep adjusting it until we get good results. When good results arise, we’ll be in a state of Right Concentration. The mind will be … 
  16. Limitless Compassion, Limited Resources
     … Remember that phrase in the expression of goodwill, “May we all look after ourselves with ease”—in a way that we’re not harming ourselves, we’re not harming other people. Is there some way you can teach other people to act that way? That’s one of the best gifts there is. As for people you can’t teach in that way: To … 
  17. Mindfulness of Death
     … We’re out in the middle of nature. It’s a comfortable day to meditate. And the problem is that on the comfortable days to meditate, we tend to just fall for the comfort and get lazy. We need to remind ourselves that good days like this don’t often come. We don’t know when the next one’s going to be, or … 
  18. The Cost of Happiness
    Psychologists who have studied the way people look for happiness report that most people will pursue a particular type of happiness until they see that the cost is too great and then they’ll stop. In other words, there are too many difficulties, too many drawbacks, too many side effects. The problem is that most people are very insensitive to the costs of the … 
  19. Book search result icon Mental Power, Step by Step | Inner Strength & Parting Gifts: Talks by Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo
     … Let the breath spread throughout every part of the body, from the head to the tips of the fingers and toes, in front, in back, in the middle of the stomach, all the way through the intestines, along the blood vessels, and out through every pore. Breathe long and deep until the body feels full. The body will feel light, open and spacious, just … 
  20. Sutta search result icon Suttas |
     … Majjhima Nikāya … The Majjhima Nikāya — the Middle Collection — is the second collection in the Sutta Piṭaka. It takes its name from the length of the discourses it contains: shorter than those in the Long Collection, longer than those in the Connected and Numerical Collections. There are 152 suttas in all. This anthology offers complete translations of 103 of these suttas, and excerpts from three … 
  21. Sutta search result icon Sn 3:7  Sela
     … He makes known—having realized it through direct knowledge—this world with its devas, Māras, & Brahmās, this generation with its contemplatives & brahmans, its rulers & commonfolk; he explains the Dhamma admirable in the beginning, admirable in the middle, admirable in the end; he expounds the holy life both in its particulars & in its essence, entirely perfect, surpassingly pure. It is good to see such a … 
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