Search results for: middle way

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  2. Book search result icon The Fresh Flavor of Dhamma | The Heightened Mind
     … In the same way, there are different kinds of Dhamma—so you can choose to stay with whichever of the 40 types of meditation themes you like. When you stay mixed up with your defilements, or like to run back and forth with your external concepts and perceptions, you’re no different from a person floating in a boat in the middle of a … 
  3. Sutta search result icon SN 35:206  Chappāṇa Sutta | The Six Animals
     … In the same way, there is the case where a certain monk, having gone to a village or to the wilderness, meets up with someone who upbraids him: ‘This venerable one, acting in this way, undertaking practices in this way, is a thorn of impurity in this village.’ Knowing this person to be a thorn, one should understand restraint and lack of restraint. “And … 
  4. Sutta search result icon SN 12:15  Kaccānagotta Sutta | To Kaccāna Gotta
     … It is in this way that all fabricated dhammas are abandoned and unbinding can be fully realized. Other suttas discussing this level of right view include AN 7:58, AN 10:93, and Ud 1:10, * * * Staying near Sāvatthī … Then Ven. Kaccāna Gotta went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed down, sat to one side. As he was sitting there he … 
  5. Book search result icon Training in Skillful Kamma | The Karma of Mindfulness : The Buddha’s Teachings on Sati and Kamma
     … So if you have to criticize your behavior to yourself in order to get back on the path, do it in a way that lifts your spirits—and sometimes the criticism will have to be strong to get the desired effect—but don’t do it in a way that gets your spirits down. Frivolous chattering refers to any random thoughts that come in … 
  6. Book search result icon Feelings of Pain | The Karma of Mindfulness : The Buddha’s Teachings on Sati and Kamma
     … For instance, a pain in your knee may actually come from a lack of circulation in the middle of your back or in your face. When that’s the case, you have to let breath energy flow in the middle of the back or in the face if you want to prevent the pain in the knee. The relationships between circulation of breath energy … 
  7. Faith in the Buddha’s Awakening
     … Remember that famous passage where King Pasenadi comes to see the Buddha in the middle of the day, and the Buddha asks him: “Where are you coming from in the middle of the day?” The king is very frank, unusually frank for a politician. He says, “I’ve been spending my time obsessed with the things that people obsessed with power are usually obsessed … 
  8. Book search result icon Lodgings | The Buddhist Monastic Code, Volumes I & II
     … It adds, however, that the hut should be dismantled in such a way that the building materials can be used again. Those who dismantle it should then inform the offender to take his materials back. If he delays, and the materials get damaged for one reason or another, the bhikkhus who dismantled the hut are in no way to be held responsible. During the … 
  9. Book search result icon Crossing the Ocean of Life | Inner Strength & Parting Gifts: Talks by Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo
     … You’ll end up sinking in the middle of the sea. The Buddha contemplated this fact, which is why he advised us to develop our goodness. On one level, developing goodness is involved with the way we use our material possessions. On another, it’s involved with the way we look after our actions, improving the way we use our physical body so that … 
  10. Sutta search result icon AN 10:94  Vajjiya Sutta | About Vajjiya
     … Then Vajjiya Māhita the householder left Campā in the middle of the day to see the Blessed One, but then the thought occurred to him, “Now is not the right time to see the Blessed One, for he is in seclusion. And it is not the right time to see the mind-developing monks, for they too are in seclusion. Why don’t I … 
  11. Book search result icon Introduction | The Five Faculties : Putting Wisdom in Charge of the Mind
     … Or like the spider in the middle of a web: The spider is in one spot, but it’s sensitive to the whole web. Try to maintain this sense of centered but broad awareness all the way through the in-breath, all the way through the out. Maintain this quality of awareness as long and as steadily as you can. Try to master it … 
  12. Motivation
     … You dawdled through the practice saying, “Well, I’ll put it off till tomorrow and I won’t push myself too hard.” As Ajaan Maha Boowa says, for many of us, the middle way is right in the middle of the pillow. So you don’t want that regret. That’s one way of stirring up a sense of desire: realizing there are dangers … 
  13. Questioning Your Unconscious Actions | Meditations8 : Dhamma Talks
     … But to what extent is that rhythm caused by things going on in the mind that you’re not fully aware of? The best way to see that is to consciously change the way you think about the breath, to change the way you breathe, to go against what’s subconscious. That’s how you dig up some subconscious assumptions. There’s a resistance … 
  14. Issues of Control
     … In the same way, as we deal with our aggregates—form, feelings, perceptions, thought fabrications, consciousness—there are unskillful ways of trying to control them and there are skillful ways. You can actually turn them into the path. All five aggregates, for instance, are involved in concentration. Form, of course, would be the breath. Think of the breath going through the whole body. Feeling … 
  15. Pleasure on the Path
    When the Buddha first described his path, he called it a middle way between two extremes: indulgence in sensual pleasures on the one hand, and self-affliction on the other. This has led a lot of people to think that the path is kind of a neutral mind state, not all that pleasant, but not all that painful. That’s not the case. An … 
  16. Book search result icon 6 : Developing Goodwill | Non-violence
     … difficulty, in the same way, when the awareness-release through equanimity is thus developed, thus pursued, any deed done to a limited extent no longer remains there, no longer stays there.” — SN 42:8 §47. Think: Happy, at rest, may all beings be happy at heart. Whatever beings there may be, weak or strong, without exception, long, large, middling, short, subtle, blatant, seen & unseen … 
  17. Duties in the Present
     … The more consistently you can allow them just to be—all the way through the in-breath, all the way through the out-—the more you find a sense of rapture developing, a sense of ease, fullness, refreshment. This is called developing your inner resources for the sake of alertness, for the sake of mindfulness, concentration, and discernment. That’s one of our duties … 
  18. Book search result icon Food for the Mind | Food for Thought: Eighteen Talks on the Training of the Heart
     … In the same way, intelligent people who want the inner quality of dispassion have to take the discernment that comes from concentration and use it to evaluate sights, sounds, smells, tastes, etc., so that these things can serve a purpose and not do them any harm. Whoever eats an entire fish—bones, scales, fins, feces, and all—is sure to choke to death on … 
  19. Book search result icon Reconciliation, Right & Wrong | Purity of Heart
     … The Buddha noted that neither extreme was effective in putting an end to suffering, so he found a pragmatic Middle Way between them: Right and wrong were determined by what actually did and didn’t work in putting an end to suffering. The public proof of this Middle Way was the Sangha that the Buddha built around it, in which people agreed to follow … 
  20. The Skill of Not Suffering
     … It’s like lying on your back out in the middle of a big field. If you look up in the sky and there’s nothing on the ground that you can compare things to, you look at the clouds you don’t know what they’re doing. Which clouds are staying still, which clouds are moving, you can’t really tell, because there … 
  21. Expanding Your Awareness
     … So one way that you can show goodwill to all beings and really help them to be happy is to sit here and practice, to work on your mind. Another way of expanding your awareness is to keep expanding it through the body as you work with the breath energy in the body. You get a sense of comfort from the way you breathe … 
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