Dhammasaṅgaṇī Mātikā Pāṭha
The List from the Dhamma Groupings

Kusalā dhammā Akusalā dhammā Abyākatā dhammā.

Skillful phenomena, unskillful phenomena, undeclared phenomena.

Sukhāya vedanāya sampayuttā dhammā Dukkhāya vedanāya sampayuttā dhammā Adukkham-asukhāya vedanāya sampayuttā dhammā.

Phenomena conjoined with pleasant feeling, phenomena conjoined with painful feeling, phenomena conjoined with neither painful nor pleasant feeling.

Vipākā dhammā Vipāka-dhamma-dhammā N’eva-vipāka-na-vipāka-dhamma-dhammā.

Phenomena that are kammic results, phenomena that have kammic results, phenomena that neither are nor have kammic results.

Upādinn’upādāniyā dhammā Anupādinn’upādāniyā dhammā Anupādinnānupādāniyā dhammā.

Clung-to clingable phenomena, unclung-to clingable phenomena, unclung-to unclingable phenomena.

Saṅkiliṭṭha-saṅkilesikā dhammā Asaṅkiliṭṭha-saṅkilesikā dhammā Asaṅkiliṭṭhāsaṅkilesikā dhammā.

Defiled defiling phenomena, undefiled defiling phenomena, undefiled undefiling phenomena.

Sa-vitakka-sa-vicārā dhammā Avitakka-vicāra-mattā dhammā Avitakkāvicārā dhammā.

Phenomena accompanied by directed thought & evaluation, phenomena unaccompanied by directed thought but with a modicum of evaluation, phenomena unaccompanied by directed thought or evaluation.

Pīti-sahagatā dhammā Sukha-sahagatā dhammā Upekkhā-sahagatā dhammā.

Phenomena accompanied with rapture, phenomena accompanied with pleasure, phenomena accompanied with equanimity.

Dassanena patabbā dhammā Bhāvanāya patabbā dhammā N’eva-dassanena-na-bhāvanāya patabbā dhammā.

Phenomena to be abandoned through seeing, phenomena to be abandoned through developing, phenomena to be abandoned neither through seeing nor through developing.

Dassanena patabba-hetukā dhammā Bhāvanāya patabba-hetukā dhammā N’eva-dassanena-na-bhāvanāya patabba-hetukā dhammā.

Phenomena connected to a cause that is to be abandoned through seeing, phenomena connected to a cause that is to be abandoned through developing, phenomena connected to a cause that is to be abandoned neither through seeing nor through developing.

Ācayagāmino dhammā Apacayagāmino dhammā N’evācayagāmino nāpacayagāmino dhammā.

Phenomena leading to accumulation, phenomena leading to diminution, phenomena leading neither to accumulation nor to diminution.

Sekkhā dhammā Asekkhā dhammā N’eva-sekkhā-nāsekkhā dhamma.

Phenomena of one in training, phenomena of one beyond training, phenomena neither of one in training nor of one beyond training.

Parittā dhammā Mahaggatā dhammā Appamāṇā dhammā.

Limited phenomena, expanded phenomena, immeasurable phenomena.

Parittārammaṇā dhammā Mahaggatārammaṇā dhammā Appamāṇārammaṇā dhammā.

Limited mind-object phenomena, expanded mind-object phenomena, immeasurable mind-object phenomena.

nā dhammā Majjhimā dhammā Paṇītā dhammā.

Lowly phenomena, middling phenomena, exquisite phenomena.

Micchattaniyatā dhammā Sammattaniyatā dhammā Aniyatā dhammā.

Phenomena of certain wrongness, phenomena of certain rightness, uncertain phenomena.

Maggārammaṇā dhammā Magga-hetukā dhammā Maggādhipatino dhammā.

Path mind-object phenomena, path-causing phenomena, path-dominant phenomena.

Uppannā dhammā Anuppannā dhammā Uppādino dhammā.

Arisen phenomena, unarisen phenomena, phenomena bound to arise.

Atītā dhammā Anāgatā dhammā Paccuppannā dhammā.

Past phenomena, future phenomena, present phenomena.

Atītārammaṇā dhammā Anāgatārammaṇā dhammā Paccuppannārammaṇā dhammā.

Past mind-object phenomena, future mind-object phenomena, present mind-object phenomena.

Ajjhattā dhammā Bahiddhā dhammā Ajjhatta-bahiddhā dhammā.

Internal phenomena, external phenomena, internal-&-external phenomena.

Ajjhattārammaṇā dhammā Bahiddhārammaṇā dhammā Ajjhatta-bahiddhārammaṇā dhammā.

Internal mind-object phenomena, external mind-object phenomena, internal-&-external mind-object phenomena.

Sanidassana-sappaṭighā dhammā Anidassana-sappaṭighā dhammā Anidassanāppaṭighā dhammā.

Phenomena with surface & offering resistance, phenomena without surface but offering resistance, phenomena without surface offering no resistance.

[Hetu-paccayo], Ārammaṇa-paccayo,

Root-cause condition, support condition,

Adhipati-paccayo, Anantara-paccayo,

dominant condition, immediate condition,

Sam’anantara-paccayo, Saha-jāta-paccayo,

quite-immediate condition, born-simultaneously condition,

Aññamañña-paccayo, Nissaya-paccayo,

reciprocal condition, dependence condition,

Upanissaya-paccayo, Pure-jāta-paccayo,

immediate-dependence condition, born-before condition,

Pacchā-jāta-paccayo, Āsevana-paccayo,

born-after condition, habit condition,

Kamma-paccayo, Vipāka-paccayo, Āra-paccayo,

action condition, result condition, nutriment condition,

Indriya-paccayo, Jhāna-paccayo, Magga-paccayo,

faculty condition, jhāna condition, path condition,

Sampayutta-paccayo, Vippayutta-paccayo

conjoined-with condition, disjoined-from condition,

Atthi-paccayo, N’atthi-paccayo,

condition when existing, condition when not existing,

Vigata-paccayo, Avigata-paccayo.

condition when without, condition when not without.