
AN Aṅguttara Nikāya
Dhp Dhammapada
DN Dīgha Nikāya
Iti Itivuttaka
Khp Khuddakapātha
MN Majjhima Nikāya
Mv Mahāvagga
Pr Pārājika
SN Saṁyutta Nikāya
Sn Sutta Nipāta
Thag Theragāthā
Ud Udāna

References to DN, Iti, Khp, and MN are to discourse (sutta). Those to Dhp are to verse. The references to Mv are to chapter, section, and sub-section. The reference to Pr is to rule number. References to other texts are to section (saṁyutta, nipāta, or vagga) and discourse.

All translations are based on the printed version of the Royal Thai Edition of the Pali Canon (Bangkok: Mahāmakut Rājavidyālaya, 1982).

In the prose passages translated from the Pali where no speaker is identified, the words in quotation marks are the Buddha’s.