Moods Are Not-self

April 04, 2022

Sometimes you wish the Buddha had included moods as the sixth aggregate because they’re something we hold on to really tightly. Of course they’re there in the aggregates. They come under fabrications. These are states of mind and body that get put together. But we’re so used to our moods that we don’t see them as fabricated. We have our own what you might call signature moods that make us very unaware of how we’re putting them together. They’re just there, it seems. We hold to them very tightly, because they seem to be us even more than our thoughts. We know that we get a lot of our thoughts from other people, but our moods seem to be totally coming from within. They’re totally ours. Yet as long as you identify with them, they’re going to color everything. You’ve got to see that they’re dangerous, especially when you put yourself in a bad mood