Index of /Archive/uploads/y2008/

080102 Harmony Improv.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:37             7680128
080103 The Five Strengths.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:38             9259136
080105 The Buddha's 16 Steps.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37            12667008
080106 The Buddha's Shoulds.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             8824960
080107 A Death in the Family.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             4235392
080108 The Joy of Merit.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             5351552
080109 Consistency.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:38             4247680
080110 Practice Letting Go.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:38             5947520
080111 This Body, Too.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:37             5496960
080112 Good Traditions.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:38             8073344
080119 Playing the Lute.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             7350400
080123 Patience & Curiosity.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             8468608
080125 Skillful Thinking.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             8272000
080128 Expert's Mind.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:38             7463040
080130 Meditation Prep.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:37            11126912
080131 The Riddle of I Am.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37             8157312
080202 Safe Territory.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:38            16621819
080203 Judging Your Meditation.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:38            14980493
080204 You've Got What It Takes.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:37            13753365
080206 Good & Bad Meditation.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:38            12221544
080207 Looking Off to the Side.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:38            12205662
080208 Overcoming Delusion.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37            12333976
080209 Directing (& Not Directing) the Mind.mp3    06-Apr-2017 04:38            16663197
080211 On the Path of the Breath.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:38            22454857
080212 The Path Has a Goal.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37            11651448
080215 Down to Essentials.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37            18506815
080216 Connect the Dots.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37            17407164
080219 Basic Breath Instructions.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:37            10008451
080220 Five Strengths.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:37             7811200
080221 The Heart of the Buddha's Teachings.mp3     06-Apr-2017 04:37             6500480
080225 Opening the Dhamma Eye.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37            11671680
080226 Outside the Culture.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37            10160256
080227 Hindrances Based on Delusion.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:37             8003712
080228 Sweat the Small Stuff.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:38             5785728
080229 Karma & Rebirth.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:37             9078912
080302 In Debt to Generosity.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             5001344
080303 The Humble Way to Awakening.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:38             9826432
080304 The Buddha's Medicine.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             8929408
080306 Wilderness Lessons.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:38             6441088
080307 Becoming Trustworthy.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             7125120
080310 Where is Here.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:38             7747712
080312 Ignorance.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:38             7735424
080313 The Value of Merit.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37             7964800
080314 Meditation as Karma.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             6985856
080315 Meditation as Fabrication.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:38             9185408
080316 Diseases of the Mind.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             6553728
080317 The Right Attitude to the Body.mp3          06-Apr-2017 04:37             6899840
080318 Between You & Your Eyes.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             8802432
080320 No Running Away.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:37             8573056
080322 A Walking Ad for the Dhamma.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:37             8900736
080323 Finding Balance.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:38             8233088
080324 The Gift of the Practice.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:38             7733376
080325 The Meditation Game.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             7686272
080326 At Home in Your Own Skin.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:37             7549056
080327 Why We Meditate.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:38            11290752
080328 A Doctor's Strategies.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37            11397248
080329 Taking Risks.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:38             9085056
080330(oly) Resting Spots & Refuge.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:37             7972992
080331 Even Shame Can Be Skillful.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:37             9377920
080401 A Quiet Corner.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:37             8415360
080403 Dimensions of Right Effort.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:37            11907200
080404 Dharma Warriors.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:38             7131264
080405 Sensitivity & Strength.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:38            11122816
080406 A Sense of Where You Are.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:38             7477376
080408 Coming into the Present.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:38             9717888
080410 Merit & Skill.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:37             9222272
080411 New Eyes.mp3                                06-Apr-2017 04:37             9404544
080412 Trial & Error.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:38             8515712
080504 The Brahmaviharas & Karma.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:38             7925888
080505 Harmony.mp3                                 06-Apr-2017 04:38             9074816
080506 Lessons Learned in the Breath.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:37             7190656
080507 Mindfulness Immersed in the Breath.mp3      06-Apr-2017 04:38             9668736
080508 Potentials in the Present.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:37             8435840
080509 Training the Mind.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             7882880
080510 The Body In & Of Itself.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             6785152
080512 A Sustaining Happiness.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37             9105536
080517 A Blameless Happiness.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             5542016
080518 In Terms of the Four Noble Truths.mp3       06-Apr-2017 04:38             6129792
080519 Faith in the Buddha's Awakening.mp3         06-Apr-2017 04:37             8169600
080520 Fabricating Against Defilement.mp3          06-Apr-2017 04:37             6660224
080521 Always Willing to Learn.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:38             9592960
080527 Feeding Your Attack Dogs.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:37             8937600
080528 An Anthropologist from Mars.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:37             7870592
080611 Wise Effort.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:38             8075392
080619 Mindfulness, Concentration & Discernment..> 06-Apr-2017 04:37             6965376
080620 Strength from Within.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             8765440
080620(oly) Strength from Within.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:37             7080064
080621 Simple vs. Right Mindfulness.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:38             9064448
080621(oly) Simple vs. Right Mindfulness.mp3       06-Apr-2017 04:38             6801536
080622 Against Your Type.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37            11091968
080622(oly) Against Your Type.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37             8671360
080623 The Persistent Gardener.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:38             7917696
080624 Thoughts with Fangs.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             6033536
080626 The Heightened Mind.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:38             6264960
080628 A Lotus from the Mud.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             8212608
080629 The Quest for Inner Happiness.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:37             5499008
080630 Dealing with Distractions.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:38             7850112
080701 Questioning Everything.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:38             7192704
080702 Carrying Your Duties Lightly.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:37             5349504
080703 Faith in Nirvana.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             8145024
080704 Independence Day.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             5216384
080705 Training Heart & Mind.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             7178368
080706 The Wilderness Tradition.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:37             6799488
080707 A Philosophy of Feeding.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             9777280
080708 Dwelling in the Observer.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:37             6043776
080709 Coming to Your Senses.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             9044096
080710 Directing Yourself Rightly.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:38             8278144
080711 To Comprehend Suffering.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:38             8595584
080712 Horror Stories.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:38             8358016
080714 Dharma Medicine.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:38             8607872
080715 Embodied Awareness.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37             6916224
080716 The Four Duties.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:37             5662848
080717 Completing the Refuge.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             8603776
080718 Determination.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:38             7258240
080719 Creatures of Habit.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37            10203264
080720 Volunteer Spirit.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:38             6453376
080721 A Pleasure Not to Be Feared.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:38             7237760
080722 Defensive Position.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37             8814720
080723 Intoxication.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:37             5992576
080724 Investment Strategies.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:38             8892544
080725 Strength of Intelligence.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:38             6043776
080726 Pleasure from the Body.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37             9336960
080728 Taking Charge of Your Life.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:37             6961280
080729 An Auspicious Birth.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:38             6291584
080730 Settling In.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:38             6996096
080731 Good Eating.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:38             6658176
080801 The Buddha's Therapy.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             8489088
080803 How to Feed Mindfulness.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             7837824
080804 The Breath In and Of Itself.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:37             7098496
080805 A Slave to Craving.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37             6527104
080807 You Can't Eat the Buddha.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:37             6119552
080808 Battling Negativity.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:38             8222848
080809 What's Next.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:37             7684224
080811 Learning How to Learn.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             8538240
080812 A Dependable Mind.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37            10688640
080813 Working at Home.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:37             9197696
080814 The Wounded Warrior.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:38             7839872
080816 Inhabiting the Body.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             9078912
080817 The Ennobling Path.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:38            10045568
080818 Brain Pollution.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:37             7747712
080819 A Dhamma Map.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:37             9003136
080821 Perfections as Priorities.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:38             7508096
080822 The Wisdom of Tenacity.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37             8398976
080825 Arising & Passing Away.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:38             6920320
080826 Things In and Of Themselves.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:38             7731328
080827 Turtle Meditation.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             6670464
080830 Your Own Best Friend.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37            11331712
080831 True Protection for the World.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:37             6959232
080901 A Solid Support.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:38             5437568
080902 Thinking Your Way to Stillness.mp3          06-Apr-2017 04:38             8177792
080903 To Be Your Own Teacher.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:38             8102016
080911 Establishing Priorities.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             8495232
080913 An Ennobling Pleasure.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             7006336
080915 Evaluation.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:37             8124544
080916 The Context for No Context.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:37             9052288
080917 Complexity.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:37             8173696
080918 Medicine-Timely & Timeless.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:37             6797440
080923 The Conditions for Knowledge.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:37             7110784
080924 The Uses of Equanimity.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37             8515712
080925 The Uses of Fear.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             9818240
080926 Putting the Practice into Practice.mp3      06-Apr-2017 04:38             8530048
080927 Digging Up Resistence.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             8028288
080929 Breathaholic.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:37             5802112
080930 There Is This.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:38             8069248
081001_NR Facing Your Responsibilities.mp3         06-Apr-2017 04:38             5507200
081002 Taking the Buddha at his Word.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:38             6371456
081003 Questioning & Conviction.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:38             9296000
081008 Your Inner Adult.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             6766720
081010 Wise Work.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:37             7981184
081011_NR The Escape of Discipline.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:38             7069824
081013_NR Caring for the Mind.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:38             7573632
081014_NR Assumptions.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:37             7237760
081016_NR Xtreme Drama.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:38             9060480
081017_NR Truths of the Will.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             7506048
081018_NR Serious About Happiness.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:37             8800384
081019 In Charge of Your World.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             6975616
081020_NR The Ways of the World.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:38             7395456
081021_NR The Brightness of the World.mp3          06-Apr-2017 04:38             8235136
081023 Taking Refuge.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:37            10160256
081029_NR Do You Want to Be Free.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:38             8822912
081030_NR Unnecessary Burdens.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37             7499904
081031_NR Acceptance.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:37            10659968
081103_NR Staying in Position.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37             6015104
081104_NR Ingenuity.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:37             6932608
081105_NR Attachment vs Affection.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:37             7243904
081106_NR Absorbed in the Body.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             9197696
081107_NR Giving Meaning to Life.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:38             5787776
081108_NR True Friends & False.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:38             8583296
081111_NR The Fangs of Ignorance.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:38             7121024
081112_NR Centered on the Breath.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:37             8362112
081113 The Brahmaviharas on the Path.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:37             8169600
081114_NR When Things Aren't Going Well.mp3        06-Apr-2017 04:37             8059008
081115_NR Stay Right There.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:38             6310016
081116_NR The Good Fight.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             6652032
081117_NR Feeling Your Way.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             9533568
081119_NR Mindfulness as Protection.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:38             5525632
081120 Goodwill First & Last.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             6774912
081121_NR A Stranger to Your Thoughts.mp3          06-Apr-2017 04:37             7098496
081122_NR Achieving Balance.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:38             7663744
081123_NR The Mind's Many Potentials.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:38             7387264
081124_NR The Center of Your Life.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:37             7065728
081126 Beyond Inter-eating.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             6852736
081128 Generating Desire.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             8290432
081129 The Karma of Pleasure.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             7686272
081201 Make a Refuge for Yourself.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:37             8091776
081202 An Island in the Flood.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37             6084736
081203 Your Quiet Corner.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             8032384
081206 A Meditative Environment.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:38             8450176
081207 The Rivers of Karma.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             7184512
081208 The Luminous Mind.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             8409216
081215 The Four Properties.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             6592640
081216 The Heart Leaps Up.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37             6140032
081217 The Four Precepts.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             7383168
081218 Your Big Sister.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:37             5318784
081220 Values.mp3                                  06-Apr-2017 04:37             8388736
081221 The Duties of Compassion.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:37             7248000
081223 Knowing the Body from Within.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:37             7639168
081224 Step Outside Your Culture.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:37             7581824
081225 A Well Thatched Roof.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:38             7893120
081227 Moving Between Thought Worlds.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:37             8710272
081228 The Freedom to Give.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             8665216
081229 The Uses of Concentration.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:37             8677504
081230 Basic Steps.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:38             5767296
081231 A Frame of Reference.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:38             8044672