Index of /Archive/uploads/y2007/

070102 Bare Attention.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:37             7727232
070111 Effective Self-Discipline.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:37            10801280
070112 Well-being Despite It All.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:36            13703296
070113 Trustworthy Intentions.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:36            10203264
070115 The Sublime Attitudes in Context.mp3        06-Apr-2017 04:37             8460416
070116 The Pursuit of Pleasure.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             8132736
070118 A Warrior's Strengths.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37            10514560
070119 Conceit.mp3                                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             6766720
070121 Wisdom & Compassion.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:36             8427648
070122 Technique & Attitudes.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             8560768
070123 Holding On to the Path.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37            10287232
070131 Head & Heart.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:37             9539712
070201 The Path of Happiness.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37            11270272
070202 Evaluation.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:37             7190656
070204 Heedful & Alert.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:37             7829632
070205 Refuge.mp3                                  06-Apr-2017 04:37            11219072
070206 Right Effort.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:37            10473600
070207 Feeding on Rapture.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37            10391680
070208 The Power of Truth.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:36             9750656
070210 Turning Points.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:36             9955456
070304 How to See for Yourself.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:36             8429696
070306 Ironies.mp3                                 06-Apr-2017 04:37            10551424
070307 Living Forwards Understanding Backwards.mp3 06-Apr-2017 04:36            11792512
070308 Two Kinds of Seclusion.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37             6641792
070309 Ardency.mp3                                 06-Apr-2017 04:36             8839296
070310 Harmless & Clear Headed.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             9930880
070312 Learning How to Learn.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             9476224
070313 A Safe Harbor.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:36            10150016
070316 Finding Balance.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:36             7884928
070318 Overwhelmed by Freedom.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37            10383488
070319 At Home with the Breath.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             8360064
070320 A Refuge from Modern Values.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:37             7448704
070321 Stay.mp3                                    06-Apr-2017 04:37            10131584
070322 Reading Your Meditation.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             9990272
070324 Fabrication Theory.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37             8919168
070325 Limitations.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:36            12621952
070326 The Path of Mistakes.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             9750656
070327 Strength Training.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:36             9705600
070328 Two Kinds of Middle.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:36             7657600
070330 The Buddha's Rules of Order.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:37             6936704
070401 Free from Buddha Nature.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:36            11262080
070402 A Mind Like Earth.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:36             6709376
070403 Shoot Your Pains with Wisdom.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:37             7262336
070404 What Are You Bringing.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             6484096
070405 Dependable Friend.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:36             9187456
070405 Dependable Friends.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37            15390848
070406 Flexibility.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:37             8753280
070407 Old Movies & New.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:36             7059584
070409 The Wealth of Simplicity.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:37             6791296
070410 Cutting Through the Hype.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:36             6951040
070411 Shoulds & Ideals.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37            10786944
070413 Elephant Training.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             8401024
070414 Bad Friends Inside.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:36             8712320
070416 A Game of Chess.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:37             9861248
070417 A Gift of Strength.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:36             7108736
070418 Introduction-Meditation as Skill.mp3        06-Apr-2017 04:36             7192704
070420 Wilderness Wealth.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             8413312
070421 Energy Channels.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:36             7741568
070422 The Karma of Ideas.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:36            10848384
070424 All of a Piece.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:37             7395456
070429 Disenchantment.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:36             7022720
070507 Our Variegated Minds.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:36             8241280
070508 Centered in the Body.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             5738624
070511 Meditator, Mediator.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             8419456
070514 What's Not on the Map.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             9322624
070516 Body & Food.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:37             9099392
070517 Right & Right.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:36             6439040
070526 Circumspection.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:36             9287808
070527 Questioning the Hindrances.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:36            10993792
070529 The Power of Perception.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             6428800
070531 Visakha Puja - True Homage.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:37             6666368
070601 Respecting Death.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             7086208
070602 Fighting Off Ignorance.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37            11802752
070604 The Wheel of Dhamma.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             8622208
070605 Honesty.mp3                                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             8849536
070606 The Noble Search for Happiness.mp3          06-Apr-2017 04:36             9525376
070607 Four Virtues.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:37             7452800
070608 Guardian Meditations.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37            12449920
070609 Normalcy.mp3                                06-Apr-2017 04:36             6228096
070611 In the Land of Wrong View.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:37             7747712
070613 Universal Truths.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             7579776
070614 Fear of Death.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:37            12439680
070616 Look at Yourself.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:36             9154688
070618 Wisdom through Training.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:36             9379968
070619 Respect for Happiness.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37            10098816
070623 Focus on the Doing.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37            12820608
070624 Emotion.mp3                                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             9926784
070625 Dharma Medicine.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:37            10193024
070626 Actor & Experiencer.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             8396928
070627 To Understand the Path.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:36             8501376
070715 A Private Matter.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37            10465408
070716 Lessons in Happiness.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:36             9619584
070719 The Entertaining Breath.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:36             9109632
070720 Strategic Wisdom.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:36             8374400
070721 Factors for Stream Entry.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:37             8194176
070723 Becoming.mp3                                06-Apr-2017 04:36            10281088
070724 Start with Yourself.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:36             9719936
070725 At Home in Jhana.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             7760000
070727 A Slave to Craving.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:36             9394304
070728 Easy to Instruct.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             6938752
070729 The Dhamma Eye.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:37             9136256
070730 Making an Effort.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:36             8939648
070731 Distractive Thoughts.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             9961600
070801 The Taste and the Reality.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:37             7704704
070802 Oneness.mp3                                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             7727232
070803 The Raft of Concepts.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:36             9422976
070805 Oozing Bodies, Oozing Minds.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:37             7909504
070806 A Special Time.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:37             6719616
070807 Experimental Intelligence.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:37            10872960
070808 Beyond Nature.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:37             9394304
070809 The Best Use of Your Time.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:37             6803584
070814 Be Observant.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:36             7360640
070815 The Reality of Emotions.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:36             8192128
070818 One Point, Two Points, Many Points.mp3      06-Apr-2017 04:36             9834624
070819 Rottweilers in the House.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:37             6668416
070820 Resources for Endurance.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             9808000
070821 Three Perceptions.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:36             7460992
070822 Loving Yourself.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:36             7100544
070824 Not What You Are, What You Do.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:37             8595584
070825 A Wealthy Memory.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             5886080
070826 Don't Believe Everything You Think.mp3      06-Apr-2017 04:36             7583872
070827 Terror & Revulsion.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37             9511040
070828 The Buddha Didn't Play Gotcha.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:37             9023616
070831 Timeless Dhamma.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:36             8720512
070901 Advice for a New Monk.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:36            12339328
070902 Guardian Meditations.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37            10201216
070904 Radical Questioning.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             6983808
070905 The Larger Picture.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:36             7446656
070906 The Joy of Effort.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             7501952
070907 To Practice Dying.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             7891072
070908 Seeing Distinctions.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37            10942592
070910 The Identity Crutch.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:36             7102592
070911 Pushing the Three Characteristics.mp3       06-Apr-2017 04:36             6058112
070912 Refuge.mp3                                  06-Apr-2017 04:36             8480896
070915 AB Skillful Effort.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37            17617024
070919 The Strength of Conviction.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:37             7610496
070920 Analyzing Results.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             5480576
070921 A Post by the Ocean.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             8925312
070922 Calming the Breath.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:36             7895168
070923 Goodwill.mp3                                06-Apr-2017 04:36             6994048
070924 Protection.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:36             7145600
070925 The Shape of a Circle.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             5333120
070927 Stupid About Pleasure.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             7399552
070928 Lessons From the Breath.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             7329920
070930 Make Yourself Small.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:36            12189824
071001 Training Like an Adult.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37             6094976
071004 Samvega & Pasada.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37             9537664
071005 Why We Meditate.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:36            11112576
071006 What Are You Doing Right Now.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:37             9304192
071007 Antidotes for Clinging.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:37            10705024
071008 Admirable Friendship.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:36             8206464
071009 Stay Tuned.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:36             8212608
071010 Gnawing Old Bones.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             6813824
071011 Bases for Success.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             8470656
071012 At Normalcy.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:36             6834304
071013 Training the Mind.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:37             8452224
071015 Doing, Maintaining, Using.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:36             8616064
071018 Staying True.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:37             7161984
071019 Disenchantment.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:37             8581248
071020 A Sense of Adventure.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             7106688
071021 The Garden of Enlightenment.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:36             5638272
071026 After the Fire.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:37             7325824
071027 Nourishment from the Breath.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:36             7770240
071029 Escape Routes in the Present.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:36             8581248
071030 Your Inner Teacher.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:36             8607872
071101 Precarious Knowledge.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:36             9261184
071102 A Home for the Mind.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:36             8953984
071103 Understanding Happiness.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             9771136
071104 A Slave to the Dhamma.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             6293632
071105 Strategic Thinking.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:37             7499904
071106 Self Reliance.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:37            10211456
071108 The Safety of Jhana.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             7626880
071115 Whatever It Takes.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:36             6582400
071117 A Mind Like Wind (or Radical Skepticism)..> 06-Apr-2017 04:36             8829056
071118 Proactive Mindfulness.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:37             6942848
071119 Basic Stuff.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:37             8542336
071120 Right View.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:36            10045568
071122 Right Resolve.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:37             6492288
071123 Goodness Comes from Heedfulness.mp3         06-Apr-2017 04:37             9941120
071124 Set Your Heart on the Breath.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:37             9025664
071125 Connoisseur of the Breath.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:36             8251520
071126 Right Speech.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:37             8489088
071127 Attached to Concentration.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:36             7229568
071128 Right Action.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:37             8818816
071129 One Foot in the Present.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             6369408
071130 To Comprehend Suffering.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:36             8423552
071202 Talking to Yourself.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:36             8702080
071207 How to Be Alone.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:37             8706176
071208 Transparent Becoming.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:37             8042624
071210 Primed to Suffer.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:37            10211456
071211 Cooking Food for the Mind.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:36            11143296
071212 Wherever You Go, There You Aren't.mp3       06-Apr-2017 04:37             7827584
071214 A Happiness Based Inside.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:37             9097344
071215 Eyes in the Back of Your Head.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:36             9609344
071217 A Skillful Attitude.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:37             7831680
071218 Step Back.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:36             6604928
071220 The Skill of Restraint.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:36             9441408
071221 Right Livelihood.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:36             9216128
071222 The Need for Evaluation.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:37             6398080
071224 Right Effort.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:37             9486464
071229 Start by Relaxing Your Hands.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:36            10954880
071230 Samaratrophia.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:37             7059584
071231 Sense of Direction.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:36            13795456