Index of /Archive/uploads/y2003/

0301n1a1 Doing Meditation.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             6938752
0301n1a2 Mistakes.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:33            14325331
0301n1a2 No Mistakes Are Fatal.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             7610496
0301n1b1 Desire for Happiness.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33             6412416
0301n1b2 Good Meditation.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:33             6142080
0301n2a1 Obsessive Thinking.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:33             8233088
0301n2a2 Web of Breath, A.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             6482048
0301n2b1 Cleaning Up Inside.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:33             5916800
0301n2b2 Above the World.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:33             5781632
0301n3a1 Role of Attachment, The.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             8982656
0301n3a2 Nobility.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:33             9924736
0302n1a1 Firm Intention.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:33             6518912
0302n1a2 Central Question, The.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             7303296
0302n1b1 Caring About Results.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33             7006336
0302n1b2 Making Inner Wealth.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             6613120
0302n2a1 Scrupulous from the Start.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:33             6150272
0302n2a2 Relating to Results.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             8077440
0302n2b1 Bearing Responsibility Lightly.mp3        06-Apr-2017 04:33             7997568
0302n2b2 Paving the World.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             7524480
0303n1a1 How Not to Suffer.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             6269056
0303n1a2 Accepting Yourself.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:33             7424128
0303n2a1 Compassionate Judgement.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             6752384
0303n2a2 Six Properties, The.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             7667840
0303n2b1 Generosity First.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33            11188352
0303n3a1 Distracting Thoughts.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33             7846016
0303n3b1 Cleaning House.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:33             6232192
0303n3b2 Turning Inside.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:33             5249152
0303n4a1 Anchored by Skillful Roots.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:33             8214656
0303n4a2 Giving Weight to the Mind.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:33             4343936
0303n4b1 Five Recollections, The.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33            11765888
0303nZa1 Making a Difference.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             7475328
0303nZb1 Total Fitness Workout, A.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             4716672
0303nZb2 Respect.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:33             8784000
0304n1a1 Traveling Well.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:33             8390784
0304n1b1 Oppressed by Old Kamma.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:33             9392256
0304n1b2 Conviction in Kamma.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             5857408
0304n2a1 Noble Eight-fold Path, The.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:33             9818240
0304n2b1 Ending Suffering.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             6013056
0304n2b2 Here to Learn.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:33             6875264
0304n3a1 Well-thatched Roof, A.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             7192704
0304n3a2 Equanimity.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:33             7796864
0304n3b1 When to Think.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:33            11237504
0304n4a1 Imagine.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:33             8822912
0304n4b1 Four Frames of Reference, The.mp3         06-Apr-2017 04:33             8050816
0304n4b2 Basis in Well-being, A.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:33             7633024
0304n5a1 Consistency.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:33             8009856
0304n5b1 Dismantling the Self.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33            10178688
0304n6a1 Fear.mp3                                  06-Apr-2017 04:33            10492032
0304n6a2 Right Effort.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:33             4870272
0304n6b1 Five Hindrances, The.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33            10397824
0305n1a1 Focus Strengthens the Mind.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:33             6193280
0305n1a2 Renunciation.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:33             7721088
0305n1b1 One with the Body.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             8851584
0305n2a1 Setbacks.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:33             8663168
0305n2a2 Getting into the Present.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             6535296
0305n2b1 Respect, Confidence & Patience.mp3        06-Apr-2017 04:33             9724032
0305n3a1 Judicious vs. Judgmental.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             8538240
0305n3a2 Shelter of Mental Qualities, A.mp3        06-Apr-2017 04:33             5861504
0305n3b1 Varieties of Mindfulness.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             8368256
0305n4a1 Cause & Effect.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:33             7047296
0305n4a2 At Home in the Mind.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             6709376
0305n4b1 Relationships.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:33             8921216
0305n5a1 Right Livelihood.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             5331072
0305n5a2 Single-mindedness.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             6697088
0305n5b1 Maintaining the Observer.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33            10369024
0305n5b1 The Mind's Song.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:33             5646464
0305n5b2 Right View Takes Over.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             6176896
0306n1a1 Judicious vs. Judgmental.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             6463616
0306n1a2 Body Related Issues.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             4874368
0306n1b1 Decisions.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:33             8159360
0306n1b2 Break It Down.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:33             6146176
0307n1a1 Wide-open Awareness.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             8648832
0307n1a2 Sense of Well-being, A.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:33             6037632
0307n1b1 Stages of Breath Meditation.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:33            14698150
0307n1b1 The Stages of Meditation.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             8151168
0307n1b2 Breaking Old Habits.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             6551680
0307n2a1 Simplification.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:33            14921758
0307n2a1 Simplify.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:33             8073344
0307n2a2_The_Little_Things.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             8616064
0307n2b1 Generating Power.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             8118400
0307n2b1 Popularity.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:33            14288896
0307n2b2 A Meditative Life.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             7442560
0307n2b2 Advice to a New Monk.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33            13185556
0307n3a1 Carrot & the Stick, The.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             6148224
0307n3a2 Ardency.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:33             6322304
0307n3b1 Surpassing Expectations.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             6262912
0307n3b2 Samvega.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:33             6463616
0307n4a1 True Goodwill.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:33             9506944
0307n4b1 Working at Meditation.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             7530624
0307n4b2 Switching Tracks.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             5718144
0307n5a1 Rite of Passage, A.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:33            14921728
0307n5a1 Rites of Passage.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             7901312
0307n5a2 Emptiness.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:33             6039680
0307n5b1 True Honesty.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:33             6840448
0307n5b2 Super-sensitivity.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             6164608
0307n6a1 Harmony & Unity.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:33             5699712
0307n6a2 At the Door of the Cage.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             4890752
0307n6b1 Equanimity.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:33             8497280
030825(NR) On Good Terms.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:33             8480896
0308n1a1 Observer, The.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:33             4388992
0308n1a2 Mixed Bag, A.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:33             7559296
0308n1b1 Respect for Suffering.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             7620736
0308n1b2(NR) Watch What You're Doing.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:33             7411840
0308n2a1 Rebel Without a Cause.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             7417984
0308n2a2 Enjoying Meditation.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             7004288
0308n2b1 Heightening the Mind.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33             7166080
0308n3a1 Anger.mp3                                 06-Apr-2017 04:33            12071040
0308n3b1 Alertness.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:33             5906560
0308n3b2 In-line Practice.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             6891648
030904 Breathing Through Daily Life.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:33             6742144
030905 Flammable Mind, A.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:33             5984384
030906 Worlds.mp3                                  06-Apr-2017 04:33             9416832
030907 Interconnectedness.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             7348352
030908 One Step at a Time.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             7350400
030910 Basics.mp3                                  06-Apr-2017 04:33            10422400
030910 Four Bases of Success, The.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33            11188224
030912 Pleasure & Pain.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:33             6746240
030914 Heedfulness.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:33             4780160
030915 Looking Inward.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:33             4432000
030918 Of Past & Future.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:33             6660224
030919 Being Still.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:33             4518016
030922 Start Out Small.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:33             6488192
030924 World Is Swept Away, The.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:33             8829056
030925 Three Characteristics, The.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             5458048
030928 Skillful Intentions.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             8671360
030930 Right Where You Are.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             8888448
031001 Friends with the Breath.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             7549056
031002 Right Learning.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:33             8532096
031004 Get Real.mp3                                06-Apr-2017 04:33             8122496
031006 Three Levels of Concentration, The.mp3      06-Apr-2017 04:33             8259712
031007 Love for the Dhamma.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             6617216
031009 Outside the Narratives.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33             8831104
031025 Adolescent Practice.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             8175744
031027(NR) Long-term Welfare.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             9261184
031028(NR) Dwelling in Emptiness.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             4626560
031029(NR) Developing Intentness.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             6705280
031030(NR) Goodwill for the Breath.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:33             5716096
031102(NR) Discerning Suffering.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:33             6830208
031108 Protected by the Practice.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             4382848
031110 Seeds of Becoming, The.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33             8425600
031112(NR) Respect for the Training.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:33             5232768
031115 Emptiness, Dwelling in.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33            14348288
031116 Outside the Box.mp3                         09-Feb-2018 20:41            10727552
031117 Four Bases of Success, The.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             9043968
031119 Right Now.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:33             7270528
031121 Security.mp3                                06-Apr-2017 04:33             5886080
031122 Quiet in Every Way.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             5793920
031123 Mindfulness & Alertness.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             8519808
031125 Take Care.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:33             6619264
031126 Minding Your Own Business.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             7207040
031127 No Need to Feed.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:33             9904256
031128 Getting Out of the Road.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             6881408
031129 Changing Your Mind.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             9042048
031130 Learning from the Breath.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:33             7547008
031201 Close to the Heart.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             7600256
031203 Lightening Our Burdens.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33             9078912
031205 Testing Your Insights.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             7069824
031206 Little Things, The.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33            15300608
031206 The Little Things.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:33             8976512
031208 A Noble Heart.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:33             7596160
031208 Noble Heart, A.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:33            13139968
031209 A Much Better Place.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             7923840
031209 Much Better Place, A.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:33            13268992
031211 Just This Breath.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:33             5716096
031216 Humility.mp3                                06-Apr-2017 04:33             8448128
031218 Getting to Know the Breath.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             4077696
031219 The Ennobling Path.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             8034432
031220 Limitless Thoughts.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             7565440
031221 Heart of the Path, The.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:33            15144960
031221 The Heart of the Path.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             8943744
031223 Self-Reliance.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:33             8910976
031224 Insight in Concentration.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:33             9040000
031225 Exploring What You've Got.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             8751232
031227 Our Primary Responsibility.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             8833152
031228 A Pure Happiness.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:33            11448448
031228 Pure Happiness, A.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:33            19042304
031230 The Three Characteristics.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             7100544
031230 Three Characteristics, The.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33            11966464
031231 A Happy New Year.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:33             8751232
031231 Happy New Year, A.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:33            15351808