Index of /Archive/uploads/y2002/

0201n1a1 Meditation Is Not Mechanical.mp3          06-Apr-2017 04:32             5943424
0201n1a2 Fear.mp3                                  06-Apr-2017 04:33             6971520
0201n1b1 Karma.mp3                                 06-Apr-2017 04:32             5005440
0201n2a1 Karma-ism.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:33             5361792
0201n2a2 Fires of the Mind.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             5982336
0201n2b1 Samsara.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:33             8396928
0201n2b2 What We Notice.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:32             6328448
0203n1a1 Worldly Narratives.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             8392832
0203n1b1 Power to Transcend Suffering, The.mp3     06-Apr-2017 04:32             9904256
0203n2a1 Looking Inward.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:33             7501952
0203n2a2 Jewels in the Mind.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             5681280
0203n2b1 Restraint of the Senses.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             7995520
0203nZa1 True Happiness.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:32             8259712
0203nZa2 Life in the Buddha's Hospital.mp3         06-Apr-2017 04:32             6477952
0203nZb1 Pursuit of True Happiness, The.mp3        06-Apr-2017 04:32             8994944
0203nZb2 Encourage Yourself.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:33             6877312
0204n1a1 Fool & the Wise Person, The.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:32             5269632
0204n1a2 Beyond Likes & Dislikes.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             5431424
0204n1b1 What Are You Doing Right Now.mp3          06-Apr-2017 04:32             7157888
0204n1b2 Veils of Delusion, The.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:32             5159040
0204n2a1 Mental Disease.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:32             6008960
0204n2a2 Mental Movements.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             6953088
0204n2b1 Appropriate Attention.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:32             7827584
0204n2b2 Knife of Discernment, The.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:33             6195328
0205n1a1 Friends.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:33             7762048
0205n1b1 Aggregates as a Path, The.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:32             6951040
0205n1b2 Five Aggregates, The.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             7225472
0205nZa1 Negative Emotions.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:32             5914752
0205nZa2 Observing Ignorance.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:32             6215808
0205nZb1 Precepts, The.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:32             6359168
0205nZb2 Conducive Context, A.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             5980288
0207n1a1 All Along the Way.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             8853632
0207n1a2 Small Steady Flame, A.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             5722240
0207n1b1 Strong & Heedful.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             7110784
0207n1b2 Pleasure & Pain.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:32             4335744
0207n2a1 Skills for Dying.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             8550528
0207n2a2 Wrong Equanimity.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             6840448
0207n2b1 Right Effort & Its Rewards.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:32             7139456
0207n2b2 Tranquility & Insight.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             7456896
0207n3a1 Breath Meditation, Step by Step.mp3       06-Apr-2017 04:32             7174272
0207n3a2 Ten Recollections, The.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:32             7544960
0207n3b1 Accelerating the Practice.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:32             8370304
0207n3b2 Ups & Downs.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:33             5945472
0207nZa1 Questions in the Practice.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:32             4708480
0207nZa1 Questions.mp3                             06-Apr-2017 04:32             8665088
0207nZa2 Interactive Present, The.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:32            10983424
0207nZa2 The Participatory Present.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:33             5838976
0207nZb1 Respect.mp3                               06-Apr-2017 04:32             9033856
0207nZb2 Bright Tunnel, The.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             5437568
0208n1a1 Joy of Meditation, The.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:32             4833408
0208n1a2 Inner Voice Lessons.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             7823488
0208n1a2 Neverending Chatter.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33            14514176
0208n1b1 Right Effort.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:33             7882880
0208n2a1 Observing Thoughts.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             4841600
0208n2a2 Rare Gift, A.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:33             4616320
0208n2b1 Treasure Hunt, The.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             6455424
0208n2b2 Mind's Immune System, The.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:33             6885504
0208n3a1 Seeker's Habits, A.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:33             6316160
0208n3a2 Onslaught of the World, The.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:32             5949568
0208n3b1 Balancing Effort & Patience.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:32             5820544
0208n3b2 One Who Sees Danger.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             5605504
0208n4a1 De-perception.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:32            12640256
0208n4a1 Dethinking.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:33             6584448
0208n4a2 Understanding Ignorance.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:32             5384320
0208n4b1 Adjusting Your Focus.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             5089408
0208nZa1 Collecting Your Tools.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:32             5036160
0208nZa2 Two Hands Washing.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             5728384
0208nZb1 Present Moment, The.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33             6334592
0208nZb2 When This Is, This Is (CO).mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:32             4229248
0208nZb2 When This Is, This Is.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:33             7571456
0209n1a1 Mature Equanimity.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:32             6396032
0209n1a2 Leaving the Worlds Behind.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:33             6621312
0209n1b1 Tranquility & Insight Go Together.mp3     06-Apr-2017 04:32             7532672
0209n1b2 Fighting the Defilements.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:32             5755008
0209n2a1 Embodying Goodwill.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             7176320
0209n2a2 Above & Beyond Suffering.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:32             6709376
0209n2b1 Karma of Meditation, The.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             7610496
0210n1a1 Respect for Concentration.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:33             7067776
0210n1a2 Four Biases, The.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             6625408
0210n1b1 Vows.mp3                                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             6834304
0210n2a1 Using What We Have.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             5896320
0210n2a2 Skills to Take Home.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:32             6709376
0210n2b1 Admitting Mistakes.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             5922944
0210n2b2 Guarding Against Infection.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:33             7014528
0211n1a2 Battle Strategies.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:33             7301248
0211n1b1 Helpful Friends.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:33             6836352
0211n1b2 Looking After Your Concentration.mp3      06-Apr-2017 04:33             5963904
0211n2a1 Reexploring the Breath.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:32             8874112
0211n2b1 Producing Experience.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             5953664
0211n2b2 Admirable Friendship.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             6262912
0211n3a1 Steps of Breath Meditation, The.mp3       06-Apr-2017 04:32             7856256
0211n3a2 Road to the South Rim, The.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:33             6551680
0211n3b1 Sensitivity All the Time.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:32             5531776
0211n3b2 Alternative of Concentration, The.mp3     06-Apr-2017 04:33             7286912
0211n4a1 Patience.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:32             5331072
0211n4a2 In the Mood.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:32             4204672
0211n4a3 Finding the Openings.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             4405376
0211n4b1 Self Images.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:32             5394560
0211n4b2 Beginner's Mind.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:32             6330496
0211n5a1 Impossible Things.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:32             7557248
0211n5a2 Comfortable Home, A.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:32             6017152
0211n5b1 Four Guardian Meditations, The.mp3        06-Apr-2017 04:33            11556992
0212n1a1 Inner Wealth.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:32             6578304
0212n1a2 How to Fall.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:32             5722240
0212n1b1 Bringing Wealth to Meditation.mp3         06-Apr-2017 04:32             6699136
0212n2a1 Your Primary Experience.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             4980864
0212n2a2 Tuning-in to the Breath.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:32             7508096
0212n2b1 Impatience.mp3                            06-Apr-2017 04:32             7217280
0212n2b2 One Step at a Time.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:33             4636800
0212n3a1 True to Your Priorities.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:33             5046400
0212n3a2 Pain & Suffering.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             7575680
0212n3b1 Training the Trainer.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             9320576
0212n4a1 Higher Training, The.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             6400128
0212n4a2 Source of Blessings, The.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:33             6129792
0212n4b1 Maintenance Work.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:33             7415936
0212n5a1 Wise Strategies.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:32             9386112
0212n5b1 Virtuous Beginnings.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:33            10375296