Index of /Archive/uploads/y2001/

0101n1a2 Taking Your Own Medicine.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:32             8224896
0101n1b1 Hedgehog Knowledge.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             7960704
0101n1b2 Elemental Energy.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             6416512
0101n2a1 Food for the Mind.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:32             6275200
0101n2b1 Watching Over Time.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32            10291328
0101n3a1 A Clear Sense of Priorities.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:32             5781632
0101n3a2 A Pervasive Well-being.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:32             5765248
0101n3b1 How to Save the World.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:32             7954560
0101n3b2 Progress & Regress.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             5337216
0102n1a1 The Best Work Around.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             6680704
0102n1a2 Contentment.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:32             6430848
0103n1a1 The Steadiness of Your Gaze.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:32             6912128
0103n1a2 Clearing a Space.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             9341056
0103n1b1 The Wheel of Dhamma.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:32             7096448
0103n2a1 Fabrication.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:32             9502848
0103n2b1 An Attitude of Respect.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:32            17393664
0103n2b1 Respect for Heedfulness.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:32            10410112
0104nZa1  Right Here, Right Now.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:32             6336640
0104nZa2 Attached to the Body.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             7391360
0104nZb1 Preparing to Meditate.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:32             8069248
0104nZb2 The Benefits of Mental Training.mp3       06-Apr-2017 04:32             6684800
0105n1a1 The Chess Game.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:32             8104064
0105n1a2 The Real Thing.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:32             7213184
0105n1b1 Visakha Puja.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:32             6185088
0105n1b2 Your No. 1 Priority.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:32             6584448
0105n2a1 Survival Tactics.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             5079168
0105n2a2 Mastering Causality.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:32             7755904
0105n3a1 Concentration & Insight.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:32             7510144
0105n3a2 True Happiness.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:32             5935232
0105n3b1 Relationships.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:32             8165504
0105n3b2 The Heart of the Path.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:32             6379648
0106n1a1 The Story-telling Mind.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:32             6776960
0106n1a2 Training the Whole Mind.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:32             5386368
0106n1b1 Contentment in the Practice.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:32             5369984
0106n1b2 Heightening the Mind.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             5812352
0107n1a1 Respect for Concentration.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:32             5384320
0107n1a2 The Path of Questions.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:32             6281344
0107n1b1 Selecting from the Teachings.mp3          06-Apr-2017 04:32             5621888
0107n2a1 Care & Feeding of the Mind.mp3            06-Apr-2017 04:32             5027968
0107n2a2 The Guardian Meditations.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:32             8716416
0107n2b1 Restraint of the Senses.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:32             6879360
0107n3a1 A Quiet Spot.mp3                          06-Apr-2017 04:32             5007488
0107n3a2 The Aggregates as Tools.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:32             6144128
0107n3b1 Happiness Inside.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             6619264
0107n3b2 Questioning Assumptions.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:32             7630976
0108n1a1 Sailing Lessons.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:32             6940800
0108n1a2 The Patient Hunter.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             6795392
0108n1b1 Your Own Governor.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:32             5902464
0108n2a1 The Uses of Pleasure & Pain.mp3           06-Apr-2017 04:32             6836352
0108n2a2 New Feeding Habits.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             7340160
0108n2b1 The Basic Medicine.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             7991424
0109n1a1 For the Good of the World.mp3             06-Apr-2017 04:32             4014208
0109n1a2 Seeing the Stillness.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             7108736
0109n1b1 Skillful Thinking.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:32             7848064
0109n2a1 Appropriate Attention.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:32             5957760
0109n2a2 Keeping It Simple.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:32             9773056
0109n2a2 Keeping Things Simple.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:32             5595264
0109n2b1 Discipline in Adversity.mp3               06-Apr-2017 04:32             7239808
0109n2b2 The Good We Already Have.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:32             6840448
0109n3a1 The Dignity of Restraint.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:32             6357120
0109n3a2 Your True Responsibility.mp3              06-Apr-2017 04:32             7379072
0109n3b1 Intelligent Equanimity.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:32             6869120
0109n3b2 The Mind Well Trained.mp3                 06-Apr-2017 04:32             8034432
0110n1a1 The Five Strengths.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             7960704
0110n1b1 Tools for Happiness.mp3                   06-Apr-2017 04:32             6041728
0110n1b2 The Awful Truth.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:32             7211136
0110n2a1 Technique & Attitude.mp3                  06-Apr-2017 04:32             7647360
0111n1a1 Overcoming Complacency.mp3                06-Apr-2017 04:32             6965376
0111n1a2 Wilderness Mind.mp3                       06-Apr-2017 04:32             5462144
0111n1b1 Interconnectedness.mp3                    06-Apr-2017 04:32             6994048
0111n1b2 Flotsam & Jetsam.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             6961280
0112n1a1 Encouragement.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:32             8046720
0112n1a2 Fear of Death.mp3                         06-Apr-2017 04:32             7204992
0112n1b1 Mental Burdens.mp3                        06-Apr-2017 04:32             7030912
0112n1b2 Against the Flow.mp3                      06-Apr-2017 04:32             6299776
0112n2a1 Patience.mp3                              06-Apr-2017 04:32             8579200
0112n2a2 An Auspicious Day.mp3                     06-Apr-2017 04:32             5634176
0112n2b1 Where Everything Comes Together.mp3       06-Apr-2017 04:32             5867648
0112n2b2 Fence Me In.mp3                           06-Apr-2017 04:32             5920896